#!/bin/bash usage() { cat << 'EOF' usage: extract-images [] [-be|-le] - Freetz base directory defaults to '.' - SquashFS and boot loader encoding can be '-be' (big endian) or '-le' (little endian). Default is to try both types. - Input file (e.g. recover exe or mtdblock dump) to be searched for kernel.image and/or urlader.image EOF } # Print usage info to stdout (no error, just info) if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then usage exit 0 fi # Parameterized helper function for 'extract_bootloader' doing the actual work do_extract_bl() { local ENDIAN_TYPE="$1" # Find bootloader candidates declare -a bootloader_offs=($(getDecOffsetsOfAllMatches "$input_file" bin "${BOOTLOADER_MAGIC[${ENDIAN_TYPE}]}")) # Find bootloader candidates and isolate their offsets for (( i=0; i<${#bootloader_offs[@]}; i++ )); do # For each bootloader candidate create a new numbered 'urlader.image' file output_file="$output_dir/urlader.image${count}" offs=${bootloader_offs[i]} # Bootloader files are either 64K or 128K long. Try both variants. tail -c +$(($offs+1)) "$input_file" | head -c +65536 > "$output_file.64k" tail -c +$(($offs+1)) "$input_file" | head -c +131072 > "$output_file.128k" # Identify the right candidate by grepping for known bootloader text strings local candidate_found=0 for candidate in "$output_file.64k" "$output_file.128k"; do if [ $candidate_found -eq 1 ]; then rm -f "$candidate" continue fi if grep -iq 'entering passive mode' "$candidate" && grep -iq 'ftp.\? server ready' "$candidate"; then mv "$candidate" "$output_file" echo " $output_file - loader @ $offs, $ENDIAN_TYPE endian" n=$((n+1)) count="-$n" candidate_found=1 else # If candidate does not match, remove it rm -f "$candidate" fi done done } # Extracts urlader.image candidates from input file, based on bootloader magic # string. Applies heuristic check for typical strings occurring in AVM # bootloaders. Detects older ADAM as well as newer EVA bootloaders. extract_bootloader() { echo -e "\nExtracting bootloader (urlader.image) ..." n=1 unset count [ "$endian" == "-any" -o "$endian" == "-le" ] && \ do_extract_bl "little" [ "$endian" == "-any" -o "$endian" == "-be" ] && \ do_extract_bl "big" [ $n -eq 1 ] && echo " No bootloader candidate found in input file" } get_ext2fs_length() { local ext2fs_offset="$1" local ENDIAN_TYPE="$2" # unused local rle_stream_length rle_stream_length=$(tail -c +$(($ext2fs_offset + 5)) "$input_file" | $mod_tools/avm-rle-stream-length) [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "$(($rle_stream_length + 4))" || echo 0 # dummy length } get_squashfs_length() { local squashfs_offset="$1" local ENDIAN_TYPE="$2" local squashfs_length=, nmi_offset=, nmi_length= local NMI_BOOT_PATTERN="4E4D4920426F6F7420566563746F7200" # Note: 4 bytes of length information are found at (SquashFS magic offset + 8) # valid for all vanilla/AVM SquashFS versions up to (including) SquashFS-3.x # NOT valid for vanilla SquashFS-4.x but still valid for AVM-SquashFS-4.x # because of AVM's "mkfs_time=bytes_used" modification (s. SquashFS packages for details) squashfs_length=$(getHexContentAtOffset "$input_file" $((${squashfs_offset} + 8)) 4 | { [ "$ENDIAN_TYPE" == "little" ] && invertEndianness || cat; }) squashfs_length=$((0x${squashfs_length})) declare -a nmi_offsets=($(getDecOffsetsOfAllMatches "$input_file" bin "$NMI_BOOT_PATTERN")) for (( i=0; i<${#nmi_offsets[@]}; i++ )); do nmi_offset="${nmi_offsets[i]}" if [ "${squashfs_offset}" -le "${nmi_offset}" -a "${nmi_offset}" -lt "$((${squashfs_offset} + ${squashfs_length}))" ]; then # NMI pattern is found within SquashFS # NMI vector length is encoded within the NMI block 4 bytes before 'NMI Boot' nmi_length="$(getHexContentAtOffset "$input_file" $((${nmi_offset} - 4)) 4)" nmi_length=$((0x${nmi_length})) if [ "${nmi_length}" -eq 256 -o "${nmi_length}" -eq 4096 ]; then # NMI_length is one of the known correct values => add NMI vector length to SquashFS length squashfs_length=$((${squashfs_length} + ${nmi_length})) break; fi fi done echo "${squashfs_length}" } # Parameterized helper function for 'extract_kernel_filesystem' doing the actual work do_extract_kfs() { local ENDIAN_TYPE="$1" local rootfs_type declare -A rootfs_magic=( [ext2fs]="${EXT2FS_MAGIC[${ENDIAN_TYPE}]}" [squashfs]="${SQUASHFS_MAGIC[${ENDIAN_TYPE}]}" ) for rootfs_type in ext2fs squashfs; do declare -a rootfs_offs=($(getDecOffsetsOfAllMatches "$input_file" bin "${rootfs_magic[${rootfs_type}]}")) if [ ${#rootfs_offs[@]} -gt 0 ]; then break; fi done for (( i=0; i<${#rootfs_offs[@]}; i++ )); do # Isolate SquashFS length candidates (considering endian type) rootfs_length[i]=$(get_${rootfs_type}_length "${rootfs_offs[i]}" "$ENDIAN_TYPE") # Special case: filesystem length 0 can happen if a raw (mtdblock) dump # from the box is processed, because the box seems to erase the length # info when flashing. [ ${rootfs_length[i]} -eq 0 ] && rootfs_length[i]=$((input_file_size-rootfs_offs[i])) done # Find kernel candidates declare -a kernel_offs=($(getDecOffsetsOfAllMatches "$input_file" bin "$KERNEL_MAGIC")) for (( i=0; i<${#kernel_offs[@]}; i++ )); do # Isolate kernel length candidates (always little endian) # Note: 4 bytes of length information are found at (kernel magic offset + 4) tmp=$(getHexContentAtOffset "$input_file" $((${kernel_offs[i]} + 4)) 4 | invertEndianness) kernel_length[i]=$(printf "%d" "0x$tmp") # Pad kernel length to 256 kernel_pad=$(( (256 - kernel_length[i] % 256) % 256 )) kernel_length[i]=$(( kernel_length[i] + kernel_pad )) done # Check all combinations of kernel vs SquashFS offset candidates to find plausible ones for (( k=0; k<${#kernel_offs[@]}; k++ )); do # Sanity check #1: kernel offset + length must not exceed total file size [ $((kernel_offs[k] + kernel_length[k])) -le $input_file_size ] || continue for (( s=0; s<${#rootfs_offs[@]}; s++ )); do # Sanity check #2: SquashFS offset + length must not exceed total file size [ $((rootfs_offs[s] + rootfs_length[s])) -le $input_file_size ] || continue # Sanity check #3: kernel + SquashFS lengths must be 85-100% of total file size percentage=$(( (kernel_length[k] + rootfs_length[s]) * 100 / input_file_size )) [ $percentage -ge 85 -a $percentage -le 100 ] || continue # Check layout: does SquashFS immediately follow kernel? gap=$((rootfs_offs[s] - kernel_length[k] - kernel_offs[k])) # workaround for some images with incorrect(?) or at least strange kernel_length # known affected images: FRITZ.Box_Fon_WLAN_7390.AnnexB.06.03.recover-image.exe if [ $gap -eq 256 ]; then # treat gap of 256 bytes as zero-gap and increase kernel_length by 256 bytes, # i.e. pad kernel with additional 256 bytes kernel_length[k]=$((kernel_length[k] + 256)) gap=0 fi if [ $gap -eq 0 ]; then # Hidden root (SquashFS contained in kernel.image) file_length=$((kernel_length[k] + rootfs_length[s])) output_file="$output_dir/hr_kernel.image${count}" echo " $output_file - kernel @ ${kernel_offs[k]}, $ENDIAN_TYPE endian SquashFS @ ${rootfs_offs[s]}, total length = $file_length" echo " This is a \"hidden root\" image (compound kernel + SquashFS)." echo " For your convenience I will split them for you so you do not have to use tools/find-squashfs" tail -c +$((kernel_offs[k]+1)) "$input_file" | head -c +$file_length > "$output_file" fi # Sanity check #4: kernel and SquashFS must not intersect [ $gap -lt 0 ] && gap=$((kernel_offs[k] - rootfs_length[s] - rootfs_offs[s])) [ $gap -lt 0 ] && continue # Plausible candidates for kernel and filesystem # Save kernel and filesystem as separate files # kernel.image output_file="$output_dir/kernel.image${count}" echo " $output_file - kernel @ ${kernel_offs[k]}, length = ${kernel_length[k]}" echo " If you are interested in an uncompressed kernel, use tools/unpack-kernel" tail -c +$((kernel_offs[k]+1)) "$input_file" | head -c +${kernel_length[k]} > "$output_file" # filesystem.image output_file="$output_dir/filesystem.image${count}" echo " $output_file - $ENDIAN_TYPE endian ${rootfs_type} @ ${rootfs_offs[s]}, length = ${rootfs_length[s]}" echo " If you want to see the unpacked filesystem, try tools/build/bin/fakeroot '--' tools/unsquashfs*" echo " The unpacked SquashFS may contain filesystem_core.squashfs which you can then also unsquash." if [ "${rootfs_type}" == "ext2fs" ]; then tail -c +$((rootfs_offs[s]+1)) "$input_file" | head -c 4 > "$output_file" tail -c +$((rootfs_offs[s]+5)) "$input_file" | "$mod_tools/avm-rle-decode" >> "$output_file" tail -c +257 "$output_file" > "$output_file.ext2" else tail -c +$((rootfs_offs[s]+1)) "$input_file" | head -c +${rootfs_length[s]} > "$output_file" fi n=$((n+1)) count="-$n" done done } # Extracts kernel.image (and possibly filesystem.image) candidates from input # file, based on kernel and SquashFS magic strings. Applies heuristic sanity # checks for offsets, sizes and gaps between kernel and filesystem. extract_kernel_filesystem() { echo -e "\nExtracting kernel + filesystem ..." n=1 unset count [ "$endian" == "-any" -o "$endian" == "-le" ] && \ do_extract_kfs "little" [ "$endian" == "-any" -o "$endian" == "-be" ] && \ do_extract_kfs "big" [ $n -eq 1 ] && echo " No kernel + filesystem candidates found in $input_file" } # Parameter handling mod_tools="$(dirname $(readlink -f ${0}))" endian="-any" case $# in 0) usage exit 0 ;; 1) input_file="$1" ;; 2) [ "$1" == "-be" -o "$1" == "-le" ] && endian="$1" || mod_tools="${1%/}/tools" input_file="$2" ;; 3) mod_tools="${1%/}/tools" [ "$2" == "-be" -o "$2" == "-le" ] && endian="$2" || { usage >&2; exit 1; } input_file="$3" ;; *) usage >&2 exit 1 ;; esac source "$mod_tools/freetz_bin_functions" # Magic byte sequences (hex) to identify kernel, SquashFS and bootloader KERNEL_MAGIC="8112EDFE" # SQUASHFS_MAGIC_BE="73717368" SQUASHFS_MAGIC_LE=$(echo "$SQUASHFS_MAGIC_BE" | invertEndianness) declare -A SQUASHFS_MAGIC=( [big]=${SQUASHFS_MAGIC_BE} [little]=${SQUASHFS_MAGIC_LE} ) # # sqsh followed by AVM-RLE-encoded sequence of (252 + 1024) zero bytes, 252: AVM-zero-header, 1024: first 1024 EXT2FS bytes # opcode: 0x81, payloadLen: 0xFC04 (little-endian), payload: 0x00 declare -A EXT2FS_MAGIC=( [big]="${SQUASHFS_MAGIC_BE}81FC0400" [little]="${SQUASHFS_MAGIC_LE}81FC0400" ) # BOOTLOADER_MAGIC_BE="40809000" declare -A BOOTLOADER_MAGIC=( [big]=${BOOTLOADER_MAGIC_BE} [little]=$(echo "$BOOTLOADER_MAGIC_BE" | invertEndianness) ) input_file_size=$(stat -L -c %s "$input_file") output_dir="$(basename "$input_file").unp" rm -rf "$output_dir" mkdir -p "$output_dir" extract_bootloader extract_kernel_filesystem