config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON bool "Python 2.7.18" select FREETZ_LIB_libpython2 if !FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_STATIC select FREETZ_LIB_libdl if FREETZ_TARGET_UCLIBC_HAS_multiple_libs select FREETZ_LIB_libm if FREETZ_TARGET_UCLIBC_HAS_multiple_libs select FREETZ_LIB_libpthread if FREETZ_TARGET_UCLIBC_HAS_multiple_libs select FREETZ_LIB_libutil if FREETZ_TARGET_UCLIBC_HAS_multiple_libs select FREETZ_LIB_libexpat select FREETZ_LIB_libz default n help Python is a remarkably powerful dynamic programming language that is used in a wide variety of application domains. CAUTION: Python adds roughly 4 MB to 15.5 MB (depending on your choice of modules) of uncompressed data to your image. In most cases, it should therefore be externalized. choice depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON prompt "File type" default FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_PYC config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_PYC bool "Use precompiled files (*.pyc)" help Precompiled files reduce start-up time of python programs. Use this option if you don't plan to modify python and/or its modules. config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_PY bool "Use human readable/modifiable files (*.py)" help Use this option if you want to be able to modify python and/or its modules for development/testing or any other purposes. endchoice config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_COMPRESS_PYC bool "Compress *.pyc files" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON && FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_PYC default y help Causes all *.pyc files usually residing in /usr/lib/python2.7 to be compressed into one large file, /usr/lib/ Thereafter, only *.so files and some small text data are left in /usr/lib/python2.7, while Python will (efficiently) read all *.pyc files from the zip archive. Leaving this option enabled saves you about 50% of space at virtually no cost. config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_STATIC bool "Link libpython statically in" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON default n help Don't create shared version of libpython, link it in statically instead. All other libraries Python depends on are still linked in dynamically. menu "Python binary modules (extensions)" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_AUDIODEV bool "linuxaudiodev and ossaudiodev" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON default n help Access to (OSS-compatible) Linux audio devices. Note: Only useful, if you connect an audio-capable USB device to your box. Most people may safely say N here. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_AUDIOOP bool "audioop" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON default n help Manipulate raw audio data. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_BSDDB bool "bsddb" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON select FREETZ_LIB_libdb default n help Interface to Berkeley DB library. Requires libdb. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_CMATH bool "cmath" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON default n help Mathematical functions for complex numbers. Not particularly useful to most non-mathematicians. ;-) If unsure say N. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_CPROFILE bool "lsprof" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON default n help Python cProfiler. A profiler is a program that describes the run time performance of a program, providing a variety of statistics. If you don't plan on debugging your Python scripts on the Fritz!Box, you can safely say N here. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_CRYPT bool "crypt" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON default n help Function to check Unix passwords. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_CSV bool "csv" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON default n help CSV (Comma Separated Values) file reading and writing. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_CTYPES bool "ctypes" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON select FREETZ_LIB_libffi default n help Foreign function library for Python, that provides C compatible data types and allows calling functions in DLLs or shared libraries. Requires libffi. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_CURSES bool "curses and curses_panel" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON select FREETZ_LIB_libncurses select FREETZ_LIB_libpanel default n help Terminal handling for character-cell displays. Requires libncurses and libpanel. Most people won't need it, so it's safe to say N. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_EASTERN_CODECS bool "encodings for Eastern and Asian languages" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON default n help Provide codec registry and base classes for Asian and Eastern languages, in particular: * big5 * big5hkscs * cp932 * cp949 * cp950 * euc_jis_2004 * euc_jisx0213 * euc_jp * euc_kr * gb18030 * gb2312 * gbk * hz * iso2022_jp* * iso2022_kr * johab * shift_jis For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_ELEMENTTREE bool "elementtree" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON default n help The ElementTree XML API. Enables xml.etree.ElementTree. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_GRP bool "grp" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON default n help This module provides access to the Unix group database. On the Fritz!Box, you most probably won't need it. If unsure say N. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_HOTSHOT bool "hotshot" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON default n help High performance logging profiler. If you don't plan on debugging your Python scripts on the Fritz!Box, you can safely say N here. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_JSON bool "json" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON default n help JSON encoder and decoder. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a subset of JavaScript syntax used as a lightweight data interchange format. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_MULTIPROCESSING bool "multiprocessing" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON select FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_MMAP default n help Process-based "threading" interface. Multiprocessing is a package that supports spawning processes using an API similar to the threading module. It's usually safe to say N here. Requires "mmap" (s. below). For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_MMAP bool "mmap" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON default n help Memory-mapped file support. Memory-mapped file objects behave like both strings and like file objects. Primarily used by "multiprocessing" (s. above). For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_READLINE bool "readline" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON select FREETZ_LIB_libncurses select FREETZ_LIB_libreadline default n help GNU readline interface. The readline module defines a number of functions to facilitate completion and reading/writing of history files from the Python interpreter. Requires libncurses and libreadline. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_SPWD bool "spwd" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON default n help The shadow password database. This module provides access to the Unix shadow password database. On the Fritz!Box, you most probably won't need it. If unsure say N. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_SQLITE bool "sqlite3" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON select FREETZ_LIB_libsqlite3 default n help DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite databases. This module provides a SQL interface compliant with the DB-API 2.0 specification described by PEP 249. On the Fritz!Box, you most probably won't need it. If unsure say N. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_SSL bool "ssl" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON select FREETZ_LIB_libcrypto select FREETZ_LIB_libssl default n help TLS/SSL wrapper for socket objects. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_SYSLOG bool "syslog" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON default n help Unix syslog library routines. This module provides an interface to the Unix syslog library routines. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_TERMIOS bool "termios" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON default n help POSIX style tty control. This module provides an interface to the POSIX calls for tty I/O control. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_TEST bool "test (useless for an end user)" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON default n help Install test module and tests contained in various modules. Note: The test package is meant for internal use by Python only. It is only useful if one wants to test Python itself, e.g. to ensure that it has been properly cross-compiled. It is absolutely useless for an end user. 99.99% of the users may say N here. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_UNICODEDATA bool "unicodedata" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON default n help Unicode Database. This module provides access to the Unicode Character Database which defines character properties for all Unicode characters. Unless you need to examine those properties, you are safe to say N here. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_UNITTEST bool "unittest" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON default n help unittest supports test automation, sharing of setup and shutdown code for tests, aggregation of tests into collections, and independence of the tests from the reporting framework. The unittest module provides classes that make it easy to support these qualities for a set of tests. For details, see: config FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON_MOD_WSGIREF bool "wsgiref" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON default n help This module provides a variety of utility functions for working with WSGI environments. For details, see: endmenu menu "3rd-party modules" depends on FREETZ_PACKAGE_PYTHON source "make/python-bjoern/" source "make/python-cheetah/" source "make/python-imaging-library/" source "make/python-mechanize/" source "make/python-pycrypto/" source "make/python-pycurl/" source "make/python-pyopenssl/" source "make/python-pyrrd/" source "make/python-pyserial/" source "make/python-yenc/" endmenu