echo echo echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ## On linux parport must be useable # Only run this one time at start to setup the paralel port. ############################################################ ## remove existing modules #rmmod lpt #rmmod lp #rmmod parport_pc #rmmod ppdev #rmmod parport ## setup new parport #mknod /dev/parport0 c 99 0 -m 666 #modprobe parport ## not needed ## modprobe ppdev ## for checking ## lsmod | more ############################################################ rm log make clean make sleep 10 echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" # Example: Chain with 4 devicese and instruction length 5 for each device: # Hir= Header Insructionregister # Tir= Trailer Insructionregister # Hdr= Header Dataregister # Tdr= Trailer Dataregister # (Hir, Tir, Hdr, Tdr) #To program device #1, the following parameters: # (15, 0, 3, 0) #To program device #2, the following parameters: # (10, 5, 2, 1) #To program device #3, the following parameters: # (5, 10, 1, 2) #To program device #4, the following parameters: # (0, 15, 0, 3) #Example: Chain with 3 devicese and instruction length 6, 3, 5 for each device: # (Hir, Tir, Hdr, Tdr) #To program device #1, the following parameters: # ( 9, 0, 2, 0) #To program device #2, the following parameters: # ( 5, 6, 1, 1) #To program device #3, the following parameters: # ( 0, 8, 0, 2) #./wrt54g -backup:custom /skipdetect /silent /hir:9 /tir:0 /hdr:2 /tdr:0 /window:90000000 /start:90000000 /length:20000 /dv:1 #/debug2 >log #./wrt54g -backup:custom /skipdetect /silent /hir:0 /tir:8 /hdr:0 /tdr:2 /window:90000000 /start:90000000 /length:20000 /dv:3 #/debug2 >log # Not all parameter need to be specified usual /hir:X or /tir:X is sufficiant. /hir:0 /tir:0 /hdr:0 /tdr:0 is default. #./wrt54g -backup:custom /skipdetect /silent /hir:9 /window:90000000 /start:90000000 /length:20000 #/debug2 >log #./wrt54g -backup:custom /skipdetect /silent /tir:8 /window:90000000 /start:90000000 /length:20000 /dv:3 #/debug2 >log #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!# # If bypass Option is in use only /skipdetect /dv:X must be specified to select the decired device. /dev:1 is default. ./wrt54g -backup:custom /bypass /skipdetect /silent /window:90000000 /start:90000000 /length:20000 /dv:1 /fc:21 #/debug1 #/debug2 > log #./wrt54g -backup:custom /bypass /skipdetect /silent /window:90000000 /start:90000000 /length:20000 /dv:3 #/debug2 >log # Option test for checking pin assignment of adapter. # /test # Option debug2 generates a total trace step by step. #/debug2 >log # Option debug1 generates trace of flasch read/writes #/debug1 >log #cat log | more # (7141 and W701 "/hir:9 /hdr:2") # (7050 "/hir:4 /hdr:1") #sleep 2 #./start echo "All done .... Press 'ENTER' to return to the calling shell." while !(read -s); do sleep 1 done exit 0