#!/bin/bash PKGDIR=make CFILE=$PKGDIR/Config.in.generated EFILE=$PKGDIR/external.in.generated SUBCATS=tools/genin.cat [ ! -d $PKGDIR/mod ] && exit 1 # collect categories & their packages #echo -n "genin " CATs="" CATTABLE="" NONHIDDEN="#" [ "$1" != "legacy" ] && CATMARK="0123456789" for PKG_DIR in $(find -L $PKGDIR -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type f -name Config.in -printf "%h\n" | sort); do PKG="${PKG_DIR#$PKGDIR/}" # ignore libs [ "$PKG" == "libs" ] && continue c=$((c+1)) [ "$((c%3))" == "0" ] && echo -n "." # extract CATEGORY from the .mk file CAT=$(sed -r -n -e 's,^[ \t]*\$\(PKG\)_CATEGORY[ \t]*:?=[ \t]*(.*),\1,p' ${PKG_DIR}/${PKG}.mk 2>/dev/null) if [ -z "$CATMARK" ]; then [ -z "$CAT" ] && CAT=Packages else [ -z "$CAT" ] && CAT="$CATMARK${PKG:0:1}" && CAT="${CAT^^}" fi NONHIDDEN="${NONHIDDEN//%$CAT/}%${CAT}" # append ## to the category-table CATTABLE="$CATTABLE\n${CAT}##${PKG}" done echo "" ################################################################# # Build "complete" categories by prepending "parent" categories # ################################################################# # read in "parent##child"-pairs and replace newlines by % SUBCAT=$(cat $SUBCATS) # fill variable for the complete prefixes and replace newlines by % for later "in string replacement" NEW="%"$(cat $SUBCATS | grep -v "^#"| tr '\n' '%') # we have to find out whether we are "finished" by determining, whether replacement happened OLD="" # we use values with whitespaces inside, so change IFS to be only "\n" buIFS=$IFS IFS=' ' while [ "$NEW" != "$OLD" ]; do OLD=$NEW for row in $SUBCAT; do CHILD=${row#*\#\#} # replace a "leading" entry of "CHILD" by "PARENT##CHILD" NEW=${NEW//\%${CHILD}/\%$row} done done # fix leading "%" and replace "%" by newline NEW=${NEW/#\%/} NEW="$(echo $NEW | tr '%' '\n')" # o.k., now NEW contains a full chain of category dependencies... # a file containing # # Network##Firewall # Network##E-mail # Network##Chat # Network##Tools # Tools##USB # Tools##Ethernet # Ethernet##IPv6 # # # will lead to "NEW" like this: # # Network##E-mail # Network##Chat # Network##Tools # Network##Tools##USB # Network##Tools##Ethernet # Network##Tools##Ethernet##IPv6 # # # # we now will expand the entries in NONHIDDEN for row in $NEW; do CHILD=${row##*\#\#} NONHIDDEN=${NONHIDDEN//%$CHILD/%$row} done ################################################################## # END Building "complete" categories # ################################################################## # remove leading "#%" in "NONHIDDEN" NONHIDDEN=${NONHIDDEN/\#%/} # sort "nonhidden" categories CATs=$( echo -e "${NONHIDDEN//%/\\n}" | sort -uV ) #CATTABLE_NEW=$( echo -e "${CATTABLE// /\n}" | sort -u ) #echo -e "CATTABLE=$CATTABLE" #echo "########################################" #echo "CATS=$CATs" #echo "########################################" #echo # now everything is ready to start ;-) # just walk through the CATs and build a "new menu" for every entry found. # We will add child-menus at the end and have to determine, when a menu is finished # so we will not write an endmenu but save it for the next entry to see, whether this one is a child ... # build menus SAVEMENU="" echo -n "" > $CFILE echo -e "\ncomment \"packages\"\n\tdepends on EXTERNAL_ENABLED" > $EFILE for CAT in $CATs; do while [ -n "$SAVEMENU" -a -n "${SAVEMENU##*${CAT%##*}}" ]; do # the actual CAT is NO subCAT of previous, so close menu(s) echo "endmenu" >> $CFILE SAVEMENU=${SAVEMENU%\%%*} done CATONLY=${CAT##*##} CATREAL="${CATONLY/$CATMARK/}" if [ "$CATONLY" == "$CATREAL" -a -z "$CATDIV" -a -n "$CATMARK" ]; then echo "comment \"----------------------------------------\"" >> $CFILE CATDIV=y fi echo -e "\nmenu \"${CATREAL}\"" >> $CFILE for PKG in $(echo -e "${CATTABLE}"| sed "/^${CATONLY/\//\\/}##/ !d ; s/^[^#]*##// "); do [ -e "$PKGDIR/$PKG/external.in" ] && echo "source \"$PKGDIR/$PKG/external.in\"" >> $EFILE case "$PKG" in asterisk-*|nhipt|sg3_utils|busybox|ruby-fcgi|iptables-cgi|python-*) continue ;; esac [ -e "$PKGDIR/$PKG/Config.in" ] && echo -e "\tsource \"$PKGDIR/$PKG/Config.in\"" >> $CFILE done SAVEMENU="$SAVEMENU%%$CAT" done # close menu(s), if there are some open ones while [ -n "$SAVEMENU" ]; do echo "endmenu" >> $CFILE SAVEMENU=${SAVEMENU%\%%*} done echo "" >> $CFILE echo "" >> $EFILE IFS=$buIFS # restore IFS