#!/bin/sh cgi_width=560 . /usr/lib/libmodcgi.sh cgi_begin 'Wake on LAN' cat << EOF <p> $(lang de:"Bekannte Hosts" en:"Known hosts"): <select onChange="var s = this.options[this.options.selectedIndex].value; document.wake.mac.value = s.substr(0,s.search(/\*/)); document.wake.interf.value = s.substr(s.search(/\*/)+1); return false;"> <option value="*" selected>$(lang de:"(wählen)" en:"(choose)")</option> EOF if [ -r /tmp/flash/mod/hosts ]; then egrep -v '^(#|[[:space:]]*$)' /tmp/flash/mod/hosts | while read -r ip mac interface host desc; do if [ dhcp-host = "$mac" ]; then if [ -n "$host" -a -r /var/tmp/multid.leases ]; then mac=$(sed "/${host}/!d;s/^lease //;s/ .*//" /var/tmp/multid.leases) else continue fi fi if [ -n "$mac" -a "$mac" != "*" ]; then if [ -n "$interface" -a "$interface" != "*" ]; then value="$mac*$interface" else value="$mac*" fi echo -n '<option value="'"$value"'">' if [ -n "$desc" ]; then [ '*' != "$host" ] && echo -n "$host " echo -n "$desc" elif [ -n "$host" -a "$host" != "*" ]; then echo -n "$host" else echo -n "$mac" fi echo '</option>' fi done fi cat << EOF </select> </p> <p>$(lang de:"MAC und Netzwerk-Schnittstelle für Etherwake angeben oder einen der bekannten Hosts wählen." en:"Fill in a MAC address and a network interface for etherwake or select a known host from the drop down list above.")</p> <form style="padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;" name="wake" action="/cgi-bin/wake.cgi" method="post"> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="200">MAC: <input type="text" name="mac" size="17" maxlength="17" value=""></td> <td width="180">Interface: <select name="interf"> EOF echo '<option title="" value=""></option>' for INTERFACE in $(ifconfig | grep ^[a-z] | cut -f1 -d ' '); do echo '<option title="'$INTERFACE'" value="'$INTERFACE'">'$INTERFACE'</option>' done echo '</select></td>' foundwol=$(which wol) if [ -x "$foundwol" ]; then cat << EOF <td width="180">$(lang de:"Methode:" en:"Method:")<select name="prog"> <option selected value='ether-wake'>ether-wake</option> <option value='wol'>wol</option> </select></td> EOF fi cat << EOF <td width="100"><input type="submit" value="WakeUp"></td> </tr> </table> </form> EOF cgi_end