#!/usr/bin/perl # # simple fbox recovery tool # # Copyright (C) 2004 Enrik Berkhan <enrik.berkhan@inka.de> # Copyright (C) 2006 Daniel Eiband <eiband@online.de> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # use IO::Socket::INET; use Socket; use Getopt::Std; use Errno qw(EEXIST); use Net::FTP; use Fcntl qw(SEEK_END SEEK_SET); use String::CRC32; use warnings; use constant FLASH_TYPE_NOR => 1; use constant FLASH_TYPE_NAND => 2; use constant FLASH_TYPE_SPI => 4; $| = 1; my %opt; getopts('hrf:i:l:s:u', \%opt); if ($opt{h}) { print "usage: recover -h\n"; print " recover [-l IPADDR] [-i IPADDR] [-f firmware.image] [-r]\n"; print " recover [-l IPADDR] [-i IPADDR] -s image\n"; print " recover [-l IPADDR] [-i IPADDR] -u\n"; print " -i IPADDR: set boot time IP to IPADDR within environment\n"; print " -l IPADDR: choose local addr (for multihomed)\n"; print " -f image: extract fs and kernel from tarfile and flash\n"; print " -s image: boot (standalone) image directly from RAM\n"; print " -r: reboot fbox\n"; print " -u: update box with filesystem.image, kernel.image from cwd\n"; exit; } my $ipaddr; my $setip; if ($opt{i}) { $setip = unpack("N", inet_aton($opt{i})); } else { $setip = 0; } $opt{l} = "" unless defined $opt{l}; my $probe = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => 'udp', Broadcast => 1, LocalAddr => $opt{l}, LocalPort => 5035 ) or die "socket: $!"; #my $packet = pack("vCCVNV", 0, 18, 1, 1, $setip, 0); our $packet = pack("vCCVNV", 0, 18, 1, 1, 0, 0); our $broadcast = sockaddr_in(5035, INADDR_BROADCAST); print "Looking for Fritz!Box "; $SIG{"ALRM"} = sub { return if --$scanning <= 0; if (scalar @boxes == 0) { $probe->send($packet, 0, $broadcast); print "o"; } else { print "."; } }; $scanning = 50; $probe->send($packet, 0, $broadcast); print "o"; while($scanning) { my $reply; alarm(1); if (my $peer = $probe->recv($reply, 16)) { next if (length($reply) < 16); my ($port, $addr) = sockaddr_in($peer); my ($major, $minor1, $minor2, $code, $addr2) = unpack("vCCVV", $reply); $addr2 = pack("N", $addr2); if ($code == 2) { print "O"; push @boxes, [$major, $minor1, $minor2, $addr, $addr2]; $scanning = 2 if ($scanning > 2); } } } if (scalar @boxes == 0) { print " none found, giving up.\n"; exit 1; } else { print " found!\n"; } foreach $box (@boxes) { my ($major, $minor1, $minor2, $addr, $addr2) = @$box; printf "ADAM2 version $major.$minor1.$minor2 at %s (%s)\n", inet_ntoa($addr), inet_ntoa($addr2); } if (scalar @boxes > 1) { print "more than one boxes: no work\n"; } # set ip now if differing! $ipaddr = (@{$boxes[0]})[4]; { package ADAM2FTP; use base qw(Net::FTP); # ADAM2 requires upper case commands, some brain dead firewall doesn't ;-) sub _USER { shift->command("USER",@_)->response() } # sub _PASV { shift->command("P\@SW")->response() == Net::FTP::CMD_OK } # EVA responses are not RFC 959 compliant - they miss the first line # s. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc959, section 4.2 # # This results in the following behavior of Net::CMD::response() # in error case: # EVA outputs just one line, according to RFC 959 it's actually # the last line, but at the same time it's the 1st line # => response() parses it and (by coincidence) works as decribed # in the documentation # in success case: # EVA outputs multiple lines # actual response line(s) (response payload) # and the last line # the 1st line of the actual response doesn't match "the status line"-pattern # => response() fails to parse it and returns # either empty string (older versions of Net::Cmd) # or CMD_ERROR (recent versions of Net::Cmd) # # TODO: override response if possible, overriding parse_response is not enough sub _GETENV { my $ftp = shift; my $value; $ftp->command("GETENV",@_); # EVA responses are not RFC 959 compliant # do not rely on the return values of Net::Cmd->response() # as they depend on the version of Net::Cmd (s. the long note above) # instead simply iterate over all response lines and exit # after reaching the line matching "the status line"-pattern while (1) { my $line = $ftp->getline(); chomp($line); # status line? always the last line in EVA responses if ($line =~ s/^(\d\d\d)[ ]//) { if ($1 eq "200") { $ftp->debug_print(0, "getenv: $value\n") if $ftp->debug(); return $value; } return undef; } unless (defined($value)) { my ($rname, $rvalue) = split(/\s+/, $line, 2); $value = $rvalue if ($rname); # no assignment on empty lines } } } sub getenv { my $ftp = shift; my $name = shift; return $ftp->_GETENV($name); } sub _REBOOT { shift->command("REBOOT")->response() == Net::FTP::CMD_OK } sub reboot { my $ftp = shift; $ftp->_REBOOT; $ftp->close; } sub check { my $ftp = shift; delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_port'}; delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_pasv'}; my $data = $ftp->_data_cmd('CHECK' ,@_) or return undef; my $sum; if (${${*$ftp}{'net_cmd_resp'}}[0] =~ /^Flash check 0x([0-9A-F]{8})/) { $sum = hex($1); } $data->_close(); return $sum; } # data_cmd ueberschreiben, da die Verbindung sonst zu spaet erfolgt! sub _data_cmd { my $ftp = shift; my $cmd = uc shift; my $ok = 1; my $where = delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_rest'} || 0; my $arg; for $arg (@_) { croak("Bad argument '$arg'\n") if $arg =~ /[\r\n]/s; } if(${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_passive'} && !defined ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_pasv'} && !defined ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_port'}) { my $data = undef; $ok = defined $ftp->pasv; $ok = $ftp->_REST($where) if $ok && $where; if($ok) { # zuerst verbinden! $data = $ftp->_dataconn(); $ftp->command($cmd,@_); $ok = Net::FTP::CMD_INFO == $ftp->response(); if($ok) { $data->reading if $data && $cmd =~ /RETR|LIST|NLST/; return $data } $data->_close if $data; } return undef; } $ok = $ftp->port unless (defined ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_port'} || defined ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_pasv'}); $ok = $ftp->_REST($where) if $ok && $where; return undef unless $ok; $ftp->command($cmd,@_); return 1 if(defined ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_pasv'}); $ok = CMD_INFO == $ftp->response(); return $ok unless exists ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_intern_port'}; if($ok) { my $data = $ftp->_dataconn(); $data->reading if $data && $cmd =~ /RETR|LIST|NLST/; return $data; } close(delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_listen'}); return undef; } } sub getenv_test { my $ftp = shift; my $getenv_hwrev = $ftp->getenv('HWRevision'); print "getenv_hwrev is " . ($getenv_hwrev // "undef") . "\n"; my $getenv_empty = $ftp->getenv(''); print "getenv_empty is " . ($getenv_empty // "undef") . "\n"; my $getenv_non_existing = $ftp->getenv('non_existing'); print "getenv_non_existing is " . ($getenv_non_existing // "undef") . "\n"; die "getenv_test: always die\n"; } sub is_in_HWRevision_whitelist { my @hwRevisionWhiteList = ( "F", # FRITZ!Box SL Annex B "G", # FRITZ!Box Annex B # all other HWRevisions are known to be numerical # or could be made numerical by stripping .1.0.0, .1.1.0 suffixes 58, 60..66, 71..73, 76..79, 82..86, 89, 93..95, # unsure 96, # FRITZ!Box ATH DB120 97, 101..102, # unsure 104, # VoIP Gateway 5188 106..109, 111..113, 116..119, 121..122, 125..129, # unsure 131, # Alice IAD 5130 133..137, # unsure 138, # FRITZ!Repeater N/G 139, 141..142, # unsure 143, # Speedport W101 Bridge 144..146, # unsure 147..149, # DSL-EasyBox A802/A602/A402 # unsure 150, # FRITZ!Box Ikanos 152, # unsure 153, # Alice IAD 7570 154..156, 159..160, # unsure 161, FRITZ!Box Bene 162, 164, 165, 167..168, 170..172, # unsure 173, # FRITZ!Repeater 300E # unsure 174, # Alice IAD WLAN 3331 178..179, 181, # VR9, 7360 SL but NOR-only 183, # VR9, 7360 v1 but NOR-only 188..189, # unsure 191, # IKS VX185, 7369 196, # VR9, 7360 v2 but NOR-only 197 ); my $hwRevision = shift; if (defined($hwRevision) && length($hwRevision) > 0) { # strip suffixes: .1.0.0, .1.1.0 if ($hwRevision =~ m/^(\d+)[.]1[.][01][.]0$/) { $hwRevision = $1; } return 1 if (grep($_ eq $hwRevision, @hwRevisionWhiteList)); } return 0; } sub is_in_HWRevision_whitelist_test { my %test_cases = ( undef => 0, "" => 0, # "F" => 1, "G" => 1, # "H" => 0, # -1 => 0, 0 => 0, # 94 => 1, "94" => 1, "" => 1, "" => 1, # "" => 0, # 185 => 0, # 226 => 0, # 181 => 1, 183 => 1, 196 => 1, 182 => 0 ); keys %test_cases; while (my($test_case, $expected_result) = each %test_cases) { my $actual_result = is_in_HWRevision_whitelist($test_case); my $ok = ( defined($actual_result) && defined($expected_result) && ($actual_result == $expected_result)) || (!defined($actual_result) && !defined($expected_result)); print "failed: is_in_HWRevision_whitelist(" . ($test_case // "undef") . ")=" . ($actual_result // "undef") . " instead of expected " . ($expected_result // "undef") . "\n" if (!$ok); } die "is_in_HWRevision_whitelist_test: always die\n"; } sub parse_flashsize { my %metric_prefix_factor = ( "k" => 1024, "K" => 1024, # it's actually k but AVM uses capital K "M" => 1024 * 1024 ); my $getenv_flashsize = shift; my $var_name = shift; if ($getenv_flashsize =~ m/(^|\s)\Q$var_name\E=((\d+)([kKM])B|(0x(\d|[A-Fa-f])+))(\s|$)/) { return $3 * $metric_prefix_factor{$4} if $3 && $4; return hex($5) if $5; } return undef; } sub flashtypes { # Note: heuristic! my $getenv_flashsize = shift; if (defined($getenv_flashsize)) { my $nor_size = parse_flashsize($getenv_flashsize, "nor_size"); my $nand_size = parse_flashsize($getenv_flashsize, "nand_size"); my $sflash_size = parse_flashsize($getenv_flashsize, "sflash_size"); # matches exactly an 8-digit-hex-number if (!defined($nor_size) && $getenv_flashsize =~ m/^0x(\d|[A-Fa-f]){8}$/) { $nor_size = hex($getenv_flashsize); } no warnings 'uninitialized'; return ($nor_size > 0 ? FLASH_TYPE_NOR : 0) | ($nand_size > 0 ? FLASH_TYPE_NAND : 0) | ($sflash_size > 0 ? FLASH_TYPE_SPI : 0) if ($nor_size > 0 || $nand_size > 0 || $sflash_size > 0); } return undef; } sub flashtypes_string { my $flashtype_bits = shift; my @t = (); if (defined(flashtype_bits)) { push @t, "NOR" if (($flashtype_bits & FLASH_TYPE_NOR) == FLASH_TYPE_NOR ); push @t, "NAND" if (($flashtype_bits & FLASH_TYPE_NAND) == FLASH_TYPE_NAND); push @t, "SPI" if (($flashtype_bits & FLASH_TYPE_SPI) == FLASH_TYPE_SPI ); } return join(",", @t); } sub flashtypes_test { my %test_cases = ( "0x00400000" => FLASH_TYPE_NOR, # 7050 "0x00800000" => FLASH_TYPE_NOR, # 7170, 7270 v1 "0x01000000" => FLASH_TYPE_NOR, # 7270 v2/v3, 7390, 7570 "nor_size=16MB" => FLASH_TYPE_NOR, # 7320, 7330, 7330 SL "nor_size=16MB sflash_size=0KB nand_size=0MB" => FLASH_TYPE_NOR, # 7360 "nor_size=0MB sflash_size=0KB nand_size=128MB" => FLASH_TYPE_NAND, # 7430 "nor_size=0MB sflash_size=1024KB nand_size=512MB" => FLASH_TYPE_NAND|FLASH_TYPE_SPI, # 7490 "nor_size=0MB sflash_size=0KB nand_size=512MB" => FLASH_TYPE_NAND, # 7590 "nor_size=0MB sflash_size=2MB nand_size=2048MB" => FLASH_TYPE_NAND|FLASH_TYPE_SPI, # 6490 "nor_size=0x0 sflash_size=16MB nand_size=0MB" => FLASH_TYPE_SPI, # FRITZ!Repeater 300E "nor_size=0x0F000000 sflash_size=0x00000D00" => FLASH_TYPE_NOR|FLASH_TYPE_SPI , # manually created test-case "Xnor_size=16MB" => undef, # because of X at the beginning "foo bar" => undef, "" => undef, " " => undef, undef => undef ); keys %test_cases; while (my($test_case, $expected_result) = each %test_cases) { my $actual_result = flashtypes($test_case); my $ok = ( defined($actual_result) && defined($expected_result) && ($actual_result == $expected_result)) || (!defined($actual_result) && !defined($expected_result)); print "failed: flashtypes(" . ($test_case // "undef") . ")=" . ($actual_result // "undef") . " instead of expected " . ($expected_result // "undef") . "\n" if (!$ok); } die "flashtypes_test: always die\n"; } # passive mode geht mit Net::FTP nicht, connected zu spaet fuer ADAM2! # EVA kann nur passive mode $ftp = ADAM2FTP->new(inet_ntoa($ipaddr), Passive => 1, Debug => 0, Timeout => 600) or die "can't FTP ADAM2"; $ftp->login("adam2", "adam2") or die "can't login adam2"; $ftp->binary(); # tests #getenv_test($ftp); #is_in_HWRevision_whitelist_test(); #flashtypes_test(); my $pid = $ftp->getenv('ProductID'); my $hwrev = $ftp->getenv('HWRevision'); my $fwrev = $ftp->getenv('firmware_info'); my $ulrev = $ftp->getenv('urlader-version'); my @mtd0 = split(',', $ftp->getenv('mtd0'), 2); my @mtd1 = split(',', $ftp->getenv('mtd1'), 2); my @mtd2 = split(',', $ftp->getenv('mtd2'), 2); my @mtd3 = split(',', $ftp->getenv('mtd3'), 2); my @mtd4 = split(',', $ftp->getenv('mtd4'), 2); my $mtd0len = hex($mtd0[1]) - hex($mtd0[0]); my $mtd1len = hex($mtd1[1]) - hex($mtd1[0]); my $mtd2len = hex($mtd2[1]) - hex($mtd2[0]); my $mtd3len = hex($mtd3[1]) - hex($mtd3[0]); my $mtd4len = hex($mtd4[1]) - hex($mtd4[0]); my $flashsize = $ftp->getenv('flashsize'); my $flashtypes = flashtypes($flashsize); my $is_supported_whitelist_method = is_in_HWRevision_whitelist($hwrev); my $is_supported_heuristic_method = (defined($pid) && !($pid =~ m/PUMA/i)) && ($flashtypes == FLASH_TYPE_NOR || $flashtypes == FLASH_TYPE_SPI); my $undef = "missing"; print "Product ID: " . ($pid // $undef) . "\n"; print "Hardware Revision: " . ($hwrev // $undef) . "\n"; print "Urlader Revision: " . ($ulrev // $undef) . "\n"; print "Firmware Revision: " . ($fwrev // $undef) . "\n"; print "Flash type(s): " . flashtypes_string($flashtypes) . " (heuristic!)\n"; print "Supported box: " . ($is_supported_whitelist_method ? "yes" : "no") . " (whitelist method), " . ($is_supported_heuristic_method ? "yes" : "no") . " (heuristic method)\n"; print "MTD0: " . ($mtd0len // $undef) . " bytes\n"; print "MTD1: " . ($mtd1len // $undef) . " bytes\n"; print "MTD2: " . ($mtd2len // $undef) . " bytes\n"; print "MTD3: " . ($mtd3len // $undef) . " bytes\n"; print "MTD4: " . ($mtd4len // $undef) . " bytes\n"; unless ($is_supported_whitelist_method) { die "\n" . "Failed to detect the box type or unsupported box detected, aborting...\n" . "This script most likely doesn't work with your box.\n" . "Please don't try to force its execution as it might\n" . "irreparably brick your box.\n" . "If you consider this message as being an error\n" . "please make a bug report at https://freetz.github.io\n" . "\n" ; } $ftp->hash(\*STDOUT, 64 * 1024); $mtd0 = "filesystem.image"; $mtd1 = "kernel.image"; if ($opt{f}) { unless (-f $opt{f}) { die "$opt{f} not found\n"; } mkdir "recover.tmp"; if ($! && $! != EEXIST) { die "recover.tmp: $!" }; my $tar = "./tools/tar"; system("$tar xvf $opt{f} -C recover.tmp ./var/tmp/kernel.image ./var/tmp/filesystem.image"); if ($? >> 8) { die "$tar failed"; } elsif ($? & 127) { die "$tar killed"; } chmod 0644, "recover.tmp/var/tmp/filesystem.image", "recover.tmp/var/tmp/kernel.image"; $mtd0 = "recover.tmp/var/tmp/filesystem.image"; $mtd1 = "recover.tmp/var/tmp/kernel.image"; } if ($opt{f} || $opt{u}) { $ftp->quot("MEDIA", "FLSH"); if (-f $mtd0 && -s $mtd0) { $sum = remove_cksum($mtd0, $mtd0len); $opt{r} = 1; print "Flashing $mtd0 to mtd0 ..."; $ftp->put($mtd0, "mtd0"); if ($ftp->status() == $ftp->CMD_OK) { if (defined $sum) { my $flashsum = $ftp->check("mtd0"); if (defined $flashsum && $sum eq $flashsum) { print "checksum ok!\n"; } else { print "checksum bad! ($sum vs. $flashsum)\n"; } } print "success!\n"; } else { print "FAILED: ", $ftp->code(), " ", $ftp->message(), "\n"; $opt{r} = 0; } } if (-f $mtd1 && -s $mtd1) { $sum = remove_cksum($mtd1, $mtd1len); print "Flashing $mtd1 to mtd1 ..."; $ftp->put($mtd1, "mtd1"); if ($ftp->status() == $ftp->CMD_OK) { if (defined $sum) { my $flashsum = $ftp->check("mtd1"); if (defined $flashsum && $sum eq $flashsum) { print "checksum ok!\n"; } else { print "checksum bad! ($sum vs. $flashsum)\n"; } } print "success!\n"; } else { print "FAILED: ", $ftp->code(), " ", $ftp->message(), "\n"; $opt{r} = 0; } } } elsif ($opt{s}) { print "Sending and booting $opt{s}..."; $ftp->quot("MEDIA", "SDRAM"); $ftp->put("$opt{s}", "mtd4"); if ($ftp->status() == $ftp->CMD_OK) { print "success!\n"; $ftp->close(); exit; } else { print "FAILED: ", $ftp->code(), " ", $ftp->message(), "\n"; $opt{r} = 0; } } sleep(0.1); if ($opt{r}) { print "Rebooting...\n"; $ftp->reboot(); } else { $ftp->quit(); } END { if ($opt{f}) { unlink("recover.tmp/var/tmp/kernel.image"); unlink("recover.tmp/var/tmp/filesystem.image"); rmdir("recover.tmp/var/tmp"); rmdir("recover.tmp/var"); rmdir("recover.tmp"); } } sub remove_cksum { my $name = shift; my $mtdsize = shift; open F, "+<$name" or die "open: $!"; $size = (stat F)[7]; die "stat: $!" unless defined($size); if ($size >= 8) { seek F, -8, SEEK_END or die "seek: $!"; read F, $magic, 4; read F, $chksum, 4; if (unpack("V", $magic) == 0xC453DE23) { $size -= 8; truncate F, $size or die "truncate: $!"; print "$name: removed checksum\n"; } else { print "$name: no checksum\n"; } seek F, 0, SEEK_SET or die "seek: $!"; $chksum = crc32(*F); $chksum = crc32("\xff" x ($mtdsize - $size), $chksum); printf "CRC32: %08X\n", $chksum; return $chksum; } return undef; }