#!/bin/bash # firmware downloader & unpacker script # # download: # Downloads all files mathing pattern '*.image' from ftp.avm.de # The filename based on the whole directory (s!/!--!). # unpack: # Removes unpacked/ folder, unpacks all downloaded firmware # files to corresponding folder. # Output: Either the count of files or something else on error. # unpack <file1 .. fileN>: # Unpacks given files to subdir of current folder (${file%.image}). # # don't run as root ;-) # # # cuma, 19.11.2012 DL_DIR=~/fw-avm download() { mkdir -p $DL_DIR cd $DL_DIR rm -rf ftp.avm.de 2>/dev/null # labor if [ -n "$1" -a "$1" != "s" ]; then # labor / all for url in ftp://ftp.avm.de/fritzbox/beta/{frisch-aus-der-entwicklung,wartung}; do wget -nv -m -A '*.zip' $url ( cd ${url#ftp://} for i in $(find . -type f -iname '*.zip'); do unzip -q -o -j $i done # remove all files with no beta|labor|labrc in name find . -type f -regextype posix-egrep ! -iregex '.*(beta|labor|labrc).*[.]image' -exec rm -f {} '+' 2>/dev/null ) done fi # stable if [ "$1" != "l" ]; then # default / stable / all for url in ftp://ftp.avm.de/archive/fritz.box/ ftp://ftp.avm.de/fritzbox/ ftp://ftp.avm.de/fritzpowerline/ ftp://ftp.avm.de/fritzwlan/; do wget -nv -m -A '*.image' -R '*voip-gateway*,*VoIP-Gateway*' $url find ${url#ftp://} -type f ! -name '*.image' -exec rm -f {} '+' 2>/dev/null done fi for file in $(find ftp.avm.de -type f); do mv -f $file $(echo $file | sed -r -e 's,(ftp[.]avm[.]de/(fritzbox|fritzpowerline|fritzwlan)/|ftp[.]avm[.]de/archive/fritz[.]box/|service[.]avm[.]de/|firmware/),,g;s,/,--,g') done rm -rf ftp.avm.de 2>/dev/null } unpack() { [ ! -d $DL_DIR ] && echo "no $DL_DIR dir with images" cd $DL_DIR rm -rf unpacked 2>/dev/null mkdir -p unpacked [ -f _failed.log ] && rm _failed.log for file in *.image; do image $file unpacked/ done if [ -e _failed.log ]; then echo FAILED: cat _failed.log fi } # $1 is expected to be NMI-vector-removed and kernel-filesystem-splitted unfs_probe_() { { $FTOOLS/blkid -O 256 "$1" 2>/dev/null | grep -q 'TYPE="ext2"' \ && dd if="$1" of="$1.ext2" bs=256 skip=1 conv=sync >/dev/null 2>&1 \ && mkdir -p "squashfs-root" \ && echo "rdump / squashfs-root" | $FTOOLS/debugfs "$1.ext2" \ && echo -e "\nFilesystem on $1 is ext2 formated" } \ || $FTOOLS/unsquashfs4-avm-be "$1" \ || $FTOOLS/unsquashfs4-avm-le "$1" \ || ( file "$1" | grep -q 'ASCII cpio archive' && echo -e "\nFilesystem on $1 is cpio archived" && cpio -idv -F "$1" -D squashfs-root/) } unfs_probe() { unfs_probe_ "$1" 2>/dev/null | sed -rn "s/^Filesystem on .* is .*/${2:+$2-}&/p" >> "$nfo" } image() { local img=$1 local dst=$2 [ -n "${dst}" ] && dst="${dst%/}/" local data=999999999 local imgID=$(basename "${img}") imgID=${imgID%.*} declare -A probeDirs=( [default]=var/tmp [arm]=var/remote/var/tmp [atom]=var/remote/var/tmp/x86 ) if [ ! -e $img ]; then echo -e "~~~~\t$img" | tee -a _failed.log return 1 fi rm -rf var if [ "$img" != "${img%.cvc}" ]; then local size="0x$(printf "%08X\n" $(stat -L -c %s $img))" local grbg="$($FTOOLS/sfk hexfind $img _./var/_ | sed -n 's/.*hit at offset //p' |head -n1)" [ -n "$grbg" ] && echo -e "\tSkipping $(($grbg)) Bytes garbage" && data="$(( $size - ${grbg:-0x0} ))" fi if [ "$img" != "${img%.exe}" ]; then $FTOOLS/extract-images $img >/dev/null mkdir -p var/tmp mv ${img##*/}.unp/*.image var/tmp/ rm -rf ${img##*/}.unp else tail -c $data $img | tar -xi \ $(printf " --wildcards ./var/content" ) \ $(printf " --wildcards ./var/tmp/fit-image" ) \ $(printf " --wildcards ./var/firmware-update.uimg" ) \ $(printf " --wildcards ./%s/*.image" "${probeDirs[@]}" ) \ $(printf " --wildcards ./%s/plugins.update" "${probeDirs[default]}") \ >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ ! -d var ]; then echo -e "NULL\t$img" return 1 fi if [ -e var/tmp/fit-image ]; then FLV_FIT='1' $FTOOLS/fitimg -x var/tmp/fit-image -d var/tmp/ -n -f -q fi if [ -e var/firmware-update.uimg ]; then FLV_IUI='1' $FTOOLS/uimg -u var/firmware-update.uimg >/dev/null rm -f var/firmware-update.uimg var/*_GWFS.bin chmod +w var/*.bin mkdir -p var/remote/var/tmp/x86 mv var/*_ARM_KERNEL.bin var/remote/var/tmp/kernel.image mv var/*_ARM_ROOTFS.bin var/remote/var/tmp/filesystem.image mv var/*_ATOM_KERNEL.bin var/remote/var/tmp/x86/kernel.image mv var/*_ATOM_ROOTFS.bin var/remote/var/tmp/x86/filesystem.image fi for d in "${probeDirs[@]}" no_kernel_image_found; do if [ -s ${d}/kernel.image ]; then break; fi if [ "${d}" == "no_kernel_image_found" ]; then echo -e "----\t$img" | tee -a _failed.log rm -rf var return 1 fi done # The following cases for kernel/filesystem layout are known/supported: # # 1. kernel.image contains the kernel followed by the (complete) root-filesystem # filesystem.image is empty # Examples: 7170, 7270, 7390 # # 2. kernel.image contains the kernel followed by the initial part of the root-filesystem # filesystem.image contains the remaining part of the root-filesystem # Examples: very old boxes like Fritz!Box SL, 7050en, 2030 # # 3. kernel.image contains just the kernel (and nothing else) # filesystem.image contains just the root-filesystem (and nothing else) # Examples: 7490 for arch in "${!probeDirs[@]}"; do d="${probeDirs[$arch]}" [ "$arch" != 'default' ] && arch="-$arch" || arch= [ -z "$do_verbose" -a -z "$do_nfo" ] && nfo="/dev/null" || nfo="${dst}${imgID}${arch}.nfo" [ ! -s ${d}/kernel.image ] && continue; echo -n > "$nfo" SIZE_K1="$(stat -c %s ${d}/kernel.image 2>/dev/null || echo -n '-1')" SIZE_F1="$(stat -c %s ${d}/filesystem.image 2>/dev/null || echo -n '-1')" # get additional details [ -e ./var/content ] && grep '^Releasecycle=' ./var/content >> "$nfo" # remove TI checksum and concatenate kernel & filesystem images for f in ${d}/kernel.image ${d}/filesystem.image; do if [ -s "$f" ]; then $FTOOLS/tichksum -r "$f" >/dev/null dd if="$f" bs=256 conv=sync 2>/dev/null fi done > kf.image [ -s ${d}/filesystem.image ] && file ${d}/filesystem.image | grep -iqv 'Squashfs filesystem' && cat ${d}/filesystem.image | gunzip > kernelsquashfs.raw mv ${d}/kernel.image kernel.raw rm -f ${d}/filesystem.image # strip NMI vector if any ($FTOOLS/remove-nmi-vector kf.image kf.image.no-nmi 2>&1 && mv kf.image.no-nmi kf.image 2>/dev/null) | grep "NMI vector v" >> "$nfo" # and split them again... now at the right bounds (s. case 2 above) $FTOOLS/find-squashfs kf.image 2>&1 | grep 'signature found' >> "$nfo" SIZE_K2="$(stat -c %s kernel.raw)" SIZE_F2="$(stat -c %s kernelsquashfs.raw)" rm -f kf.image # get avm_kernel_config size if [ "$nfo" != "/dev/null" ]; then declare -a load_addrs load_addrs=($($FTOOLS/unpack-kernel kernel.raw kernel.raw.unpacked 2>/dev/null | sed -nre 's,.*LoadAddress=(.+),\1,p')) for file in kernel.raw.unpacked kernel.raw.unpacked.2ND; do [ -e $file ] || continue [ "$file" != "${file/2ND/}" ] && load_addr="${load_addrs[1]}" || load_addr="${load_addrs[0]}" akc_size="$($FTOOLS/avm_kernel_config.extract -l $load_addr $file 2>/dev/null | wc -c)" [ "$akc_size" != "0" ] && echo "avm_kernel_config${file#kernel.raw.unpacked} size is $(( $akc_size / 1024 )) KB" >> "$nfo" done rm -f kernel.raw.unpacked kernel.raw.unpacked.2ND fi rm -f kernel.raw # detect firmware layout SIZEKD="$(($SIZE_K1 - $SIZE_K2))" SIZEFD="$(($SIZE_F1 - $SIZE_F2))" if [ "$FLV_FIT" == "1" ]; then FLV=6 # fit elif [ "$FLV_IUI" == "1" ]; then FLV=5 # umig elif [ "$SIZE_F1" == "0" ]; then FLV=2 # most elif [ "$SIZEKD" == "8" -a "$SIZEFD" == "8" ]; then FLV=3 # nand elif [ "${SIZEKD#-}" -lt 192 -a "${SIZEFD#-}" -lt 446 ]; then FLV=4 # docsis else FLV=1 # old fi echo "firmware layout v$FLV" >> "$nfo" # unpack it unfs_probe kernelsquashfs.raw || echo FALSE ${img}${arch} rm -f kernelsquashfs.raw kernelsquashfs.raw.ext2 # unpack the inner / the outer root-filesystem if found if [ -e squashfs-root/filesystem_core.squashfs ]; then mv squashfs-root filesystem.outer unfs_probe filesystem.outer/filesystem_core.squashfs 'INNER' rm -f filesystem.outer/filesystem_core.squashfs [ -d squashfs-root ] && mv filesystem.outer squashfs-root/ || rm -rf filesystem.outer fi if [ -d squashfs-root ]; then local numberOfFiles=$(find squashfs-root -type f \! -path '*filesystem.outer*' | wc -l) echo -e "${numberOfFiles}\t${imgID}${arch}" mv squashfs-root "${dst}${imgID}${arch}" fi if [ -e ${d}/plugins.update ]; then pluginsTmpDir="${imgID}.plugins${arch}.tmp" mkdir -p "${pluginsTmpDir}" tar -xif "${d}/plugins.update" \ -C "${pluginsTmpDir}" \ --wildcards "./var/*.image" \ >/dev/null 2>&1 numberOfPlugins=0 for pluginImage in $(find "${pluginsTmpDir}/var" -type f -name "*.image"); do pluginID=$(basename "${pluginImage}"); pluginID=${pluginID%.*} unfs_probe "$pluginImage" 'PLUGIN' if [ -d squashfs-root ]; then ((numberOfPlugins++)) mv squashfs-root "${pluginsTmpDir}/${pluginID}" fi done rm -rf "${pluginsTmpDir}/var" if [ "$numberOfPlugins" -eq 0 ]; then rm -rf "${pluginsTmpDir}" else if [ -d "${dst}${imgID}${arch}" ]; then mv "${pluginsTmpDir}" "${dst}${imgID}${arch}/plugins" else mv "${pluginsTmpDir}" "${dst}${imgID}.plugins${arch}" fi fi fi if [ ! -e "${dst}${imgID}${arch}" -a ! -e "${dst}${imgID}.plugins${arch}" ]; then echo -e "====\t${img}${arch}" | tee -a _failed.log fi [ -n "$do_verbose" ] && sed 's/^/\t/g' "$nfo" && echo [ -z "$do_nfo" -a "$nfo" != "/dev/null" ] && rm "$nfo" done rm -rf var } # check args while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case $1 in n|nfo) do_nfo=y ;; v|verbose) do_verbose=y ;; d|download) download=y case $2 in s|stable|l|labor|a|all) dl_arg="${2:0:1}" shift ;; u|unpack|"") ;; *) echo "Unknown argument: $2" exit 1 ;; esac ;; u|unpack) unpack=y ;; *) image="$image $1" ;; esac shift done if [ "$download" != "y" -a "$unpack" != "y" ]; then echo "usage: ${0##*/} [nfo] [verbose] <download [stable|labor|all] AND/OR unpack [image1 .. imageN]>" exit 1 fi # check tools if [ "$unpack" == "y" ]; then FTOOLS="$(dirname $(readlink -f ${0}))" if [ ! -e $FTOOLS/find-squashfs ]; then for fdir in ~/*freetz*; do [ -d "$fdir" ] || continue FTMP="$(dirname $(readlink -f ${fdir}/tools/busybox))" [ -e "$FTMP/busybox" ] && FTOOLS="$FTMP" done [ -n "$do_verbose" ] && echo -e "Using 'tools' of ${FTOOLS%/*}\n" fi if [ ! -e $FTOOLS/find-squashfs -o ! -e $FTOOLS/uimg -o ! -e $FTOOLS/fitimg ]; then echo "You have to run 'make tools' first." exit 1 fi fi # main [ "$download" == "y" ] && download $dl_arg if [ "$unpack" == "y" ]; then [ -z "$image" ] && unpack for imgfile in $image; do image $imgfile done fi