To-do list for ds26


- Make ccache build script aware of gcc version change (needs rebuild in that

- Open question: Why do we have libjpeg if it is not used by any package?
    Answer (by olistudent): SANE seems to need it, but the scanners do not run
    because AVM have not finished their USB driver yet. We should check new
    packages to see if they ever provide a working version.

- Experiment with and possibly use dietlibc to create smaller binaries by
  statically compiling in stuff usually dynamically linked to uClibc.

- Determine the best way to include rpath, i.e. something like
  "export LD_RUN_PATH=/mod/lib:/lib:/usr/lib", into makefile(s). It should be
  applied to all binaries for the target system, but not to tools and
  toolchain binaries.
    Comment (olistudent): Perhaps we should leave things as they are

- Enhance Virtual-IP-CGI and Openntpd so it supports other (and possibly
  multiple) interfaces than lan:1

- Make flash firmware button in dsmod webinterface (especially for W701V and
  W900 users because they can not flash over original webinterface)

- Do the same for source code patches as we have done for the firmware
  patches: give them a thorough auto-fix treatment similar to the new modpatch

- ldd on the box would be nice to have as a debug-thingy
    Remark (by kriegaex): Yes, maybe. But why bloat box's memory if we can
    just as easy run toolchain/target/mipsel-linux-uclibc/bin/ldd on mipsel
    binaries from the target toolchain as tools/ does?
    Remark (by olistudent): In there is a target named 
    uclibc-target-utils. This copies ldd for target to root/usr/bin.

- Make packages with sub-options requiring recompilation aware of those config
  changes so they rebuild automatically, similar to the way it is implemented
  for BusyBox. Such packages are Bftpd, Bird, Dropbear, OpenVPN, OrangeBox,
  Apache, PHP, Tinyproxy, Nano.
    Status (kriegaex):
      * OrangeBox did not require any changes because its sub-option is only
        relevant during fwmod (apply patch)
      * OpenVPN and Tinyproxy do not rebuild their executables, even if
        configure is re-issued. So they need a full rebuild to make sure they
        are updated.
      * The other six packages (Bftpd, Bird, Dropbear, Apache, PHP, Nano) do
        rebuild their executables, but not their object files.
      * Since the consequences of not rebuilding them are unknown to me, I
        decided to do a complete rebuild (after deleting the source dir) for
        all eight packages in question, not only for OpenVPN and Tinyproxy.
      * Having said that I want to make clear that such rebuilds only occur if
        relevant sub-options for a package have changed in .config. Changes in
        .config in other places do *not* affect a package with unchanged