__  __                 __   __
|  \(_  __ |\/| _  _|    _) /__
|__/__)    |  |(_)(_|__ /__ \__)

Daniel Eiband <eiband@online.de> (danisahne@IPPF)
Oliver Metz                      (olistudent@IPPF)
Alexander Kriegisch              (kriegaex@IPPF)
Mikolas Bingemer                 (knox@IPPF)
Michael Hampicke                 (RoyceMcKnight@IPPF)
and many more who helped get this baby up and running - thanks to all of them!


This mod is distributed without any warranty (not even the implied
warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose).
Use this mod on your own risk!

Mod scripts are licenced under GPLv2.

NOTE: Loading DS-Mod will void your warranty. 

  make menuconfig

This should do the trick. You'll find the modified firmware "*.image"
in the top-level directory.

For further information please refer to:
  - http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/forumdisplay.php?f=525
  - http://wiki.ip-phone-forum.de/software:ds-mod:start

  - DS-Mod is named after Daniel Eiband's user name "danisahne" at
    ip-phone-forum.de (IPPF). He has built it based on the work of
    Erik Andersen, Christian Volkmann and others not mentioned,
    but nevertheless honoured here.
  - Current maintainer of the DS-Mod_26 series is Oliver Metz.

The fun has just begun!
Daniel, Oliver, Alexander, Mickey & Co.