#!/bin/bash # # Script to modify AVM FRITZ!Box firmware images (ds-mod) # # $Id$ # # Copyright (C) 2005 Daniel Eiband <eiband@online.de> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # - this script is based on Christian Volkmann's fritzbox mod-0.57 # - most tools are taken from Christian Volkmann's mod-0.57 # <http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showthread.php?t=65894> # # Special Thanks to Andreas Bühmann, Christian Volkmann, Enrik Berkhan, # Oliver Metz, SpeedyBZ and all members on www.ip-phone-forum.de who # contributed to this mod usage() { echo "Usage: fwmod [-u|-m|-p|-a] [-d <dir>] <orig_firmware> [<tk_firmware>]" 1>&2 echo " -a: unpack, modify and pack firmware image (-ump)" 1>&2 echo " -d <dir>: build directory" 1>&2 echo " -m: modify previously unpacked image" 1>&2 echo " -p: pack firmware image" 1>&2 echo " -u: unpack firmware image" 1>&2 echo " -l: force lzma decompression" 1>&2 echo " -z: force zlib decompression" 1>&2 } # Dont run this script as root if [ $UID -eq 0 ] then echo "ERROR: running this script as root is prohibited" 1>&2 exit 1 fi DOT_CONFIG="$(dirname "$0")/.config" if [ ! -r "$DOT_CONFIG" ] then echo "ERROR: not configured" 1>&2 exit 1 fi L1=' ' L2=' ' # Load config . "$DOT_CONFIG" DO_UNPACK=0 DO_MOD=0 DO_PACK=0 DIR='' _OPT=0 while getopts "ad:mpulz" opt do case "$opt" in u) DO_UNPACK=1 _OPT=1 ;; m) DO_MOD=1 _OPT=1 ;; p) DO_PACK=1 _OPT=1 ;; a) DO_UNPACK=1 DO_MOD=1 DO_PACK=1 _OPT=1 ;; d) DIR="$OPTARG" ;; l) DS_SQUASHFS_LZMA="y" ;; z) DS_SQUASHFS_LZMA="n" ;; *) usage exit 1 ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) if [ $# -ne 1 -a $# -ne 2 ] then usage exit 1 fi if [ "$_OPT" -eq 0 ] then DO_UNPACK=1 DO_MOD=1 DO_PACK=1 fi FIRMWARE="$1" FIRMWARE2="$2" BASE_DIR="$(dirname "$0")" if [ -z "$DIR" ] then DIR="${FIRMWARE}.mod" fi ABS_BASE_DIR="$BASE_DIR" if [ "$(expr index "$ABS_BASE_DIR" "/")" -ne 1 ] then ABS_BASE_DIR="$(pwd)/$ABS_BASE_DIR" fi TOOLS_SUBDIR="tools" SOURCE_SUBDIR="source" FIRMWARE_SUBDIR="firmware" FILESYSTEM_SUBDIR="filesystem" KERNEL_SUBDIR="kernel" HIDDEN_SUBDIR="hidden" VARTAR_SUBDIR="var.tar" FILESYSTEM_IMAGE="var/tmp/filesystem.image" KERNEL_IMAGE="var/tmp/kernel.image" RAW_KERNEL_FILE="kernel.raw" RAW_HIDDEN_FILE="kernelsquashfs.raw" VARTAR_FILE="var.tar" FINDSQUASHFS_TOOL="find-squashfs" TICHKSUM_TOOL="tichksum" RMTICHKSUM_TOOL="rmtichksum" MAKEDEVS_TOOL="makedevs" FAKEROOT_TOOL="fakeroot" if [ "$DS_SQUASHFS_LZMA" == "y" ] then UNSQUASHFS_TOOL="unsquashfs-lzma" else UNSQUASHFS_TOOL="unsquashfs" fi # has lzma-support MKSQUASHFS_TOOL="mksquashfs-lzma" #use own tar to avoid strange problems TAR_TOOL="tar" TOOLS_DIR="${ABS_BASE_DIR}/${TOOLS_SUBDIR}" UNSQUASHFS="${TOOLS_DIR}/${UNSQUASHFS_TOOL}" FINDSQUASHFS="${TOOLS_DIR}/${FINDSQUASHFS_TOOL}" MKSQUASHFS="${TOOLS_DIR}/${MKSQUASHFS_TOOL}" TICHKSUM="${TOOLS_DIR}/${TICHKSUM_TOOL}" RMTICHKSUM="${TOOLS_DIR}/${RMTICHKSUM_TOOL}" MAKEDEVS="${TOOLS_DIR}/${MAKEDEVS_TOOL}" MAKEDEVS_FILE="${TOOLS_DIR}/device_table.txt" FAKEROOT="${TOOLS_DIR}/usr/bin/${FAKEROOT_TOOL}" TAR="${TOOLS_DIR}/${TAR_TOOL}" PACKAGES_DIR="${BASE_DIR}/packages" PATCHES_DIR="${BASE_DIR}/patches" ROOT_DIR="${BASE_DIR}/root" KERNEL_REP_DIR="${BASE_DIR}/kernel" ADDON_DIR="${BASE_DIR}/addon" FAVICON_DIR="${BASE_DIR}/favicon" STATIC_PACKAGES_FILE="${BASE_DIR}/.static" DYNAMIC_PACKAGES_FILE="${BASE_DIR}/.dynamic" STATIC_ADDON_FILE="${ADDON_DIR}/static.pkg" DYNAMIC_ADDON_FILE="${ADDON_DIR}/dynamic.pkg" modpatch() { if [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 2 ] then patch -d "$1" -p0 --no-backup-if-mismatch < "$2" 2>&1 | while read line do echo "${L2}${line}" done [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0 ] || exit 2 else patch -d "$1" -p0 --no-backup-if-mismatch < "$2" > /dev/null || exit 2 fi } modunsqfs() { if [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] then "$FAKEROOT" "$UNSQUASHFS" -dest "$1" "$2" 2>&1 | grep -v "^$" | while read line do echo "${L1}${line}" done [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0 ] || exit 1 else "$FAKEROOT" "$UNSQUASHFS" -dest "$1" "$2" > /dev/null fi } modlangsubst() { # modlangsubst <lang> <file> # Substitutes all $(lang de:"Deutscher Text" en:"English text" ...) occurrences # in <file> with <text> of the corresponding <lang>:"<text>" section. s='[\t\r\n ]' val='\(\([^"\\]*\(\\.\)*\)*\)' entry="\w\+:\"${val}\"" LC_CTYPE=C sed -i -e " :a s/\$(lang\(${s}\+${entry}\)*${s}\+${1}:\"${val}\"\(${s}\+${entry}\)*${s}*)/\$(lang:\"\5\")/g s/\$(lang\(${s}\+${entry}\)*${s}*)/*** error: language[${1}] not available ***/g :n s/\$(lang:\"\(\([^\"\\]\+\)\|[\\]\(.\)\)${val}\")/\2\3\$(lang:\"\4\")/g tn s/\$(lang:\"\")//g /\$(lang\(${s}\|\$\)/ {N; ba} " "$2" } modlangconf() { # modlangconf <key> <file> # Get <content> of a <key> { <content> } section in <file> s='[\t\r\n ]' sed -n -e ":n;N;\$!bn;s/^.*${1}${s}\+{${s}*\([^}]*\)${s}*}.*$/\1/p" "$2" } modlang() { # modlang <conffile> <dir> avail="$(modlangconf "languages" "$1")" default="$DS_LANG_STRING $(modlangconf "default" "$1") en de $avail" lang="" for i in $default do for j in $avail do if [ "$i" == "$j" ] then lang="$j" break 2 fi done done if [ -z "$lang" ] then echo "ERROR: no language available" 1>&2 exit 1 fi [ "$lang" == "$DS_LANG_STRING" ] || \ echo "NOTICE: language $DS_LANG_STRING not available; $lang chosen." 1>&2 for i in $(modlangconf "files" "$1") do if [ -e "${2}/${i}" ] then modlangsubst "$lang" "${2}/${i}" else echo "WARNING: ${2}/${i} not found" 1>&2 fi done } if [ -z "$FIRMWARE" ] then echo "ERROR: no firmware filename supplied" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Does the firmware image exist ? if [ -n "$FIRMWARE" -a ! -r "$FIRMWARE" ] then echo "ERROR: firmware image $(basename "$FIRMWARE") not found" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ -n "$FIRMWARE2" -a ! -r "$FIRMWARE2" ] then echo "ERROR: firmware image $(basename "$FIRMWARE2") not found" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ ! -e "$DIR" ] then mkdir "$DIR" fi ############################################ ## Unpack and unsquash the firmware image ## ############################################ ORG_DIR="${DIR}/original" FIRMWARE_DIR="${ORG_DIR}/${FIRMWARE_SUBDIR}" FILESYSTEM_DIR="${ORG_DIR}/${FILESYSTEM_SUBDIR}" KERNEL_DIR="${ORG_DIR}/${KERNEL_SUBDIR}" HIDDEN_DIR="${KERNEL_DIR}/${HIDDEN_SUBDIR}" VARTAR_DIR="${KERNEL_DIR}/${VARTAR_SUBDIR}" KERNEL="${FIRMWARE_DIR}/${KERNEL_IMAGE}" RAW_KERNEL="${KERNEL_DIR}/${RAW_KERNEL_FILE}" RAW_HIDDEN="${KERNEL_DIR}/${RAW_HIDDEN_FILE}" if [ "$DS_HIDDEN_ROOT" == "y" ] then FILESYSTEM="${RAW_HIDDEN}" [ "$DS_CONTIGUOUS_HIDDEN_ROOT" == "y" ] && \ FILESYSTEM_CONTINUATION="${FIRMWARE_DIR}/${FILESYSTEM_IMAGE}" else FILESYSTEM="${FIRMWARE_DIR}/${FILESYSTEM_IMAGE}" fi if [ "$DS_ROOTFS_VARTAR" == "y" ] then VARTAR="${FILESYSTEM_DIR}/${VARTAR_FILE}" else VARTAR="${HIDDEN_DIR}/${VARTAR_FILE}" fi if [ "$DO_UNPACK" -gt 0 ] then echo -e "\033[1mSTEP 1: UNPACK\033[0m" rm -rf "$ORG_DIR" mkdir "$ORG_DIR" echo "unpacking firmware image" mkdir "$FIRMWARE_DIR" "$TAR" -xf "$FIRMWARE" -C "$FIRMWARE_DIR" || exit 1 # Do the images exist ? if [ ! -r "${FIRMWARE_DIR}/${FILESYSTEM_IMAGE}" ] then echo "ERROR: cannot find filesystem image" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ ! -r "${FIRMWARE_DIR}/${KERNEL_IMAGE}" ] then echo "ERROR: cannot find kernel.image" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Do we have the tool ? if [ ! -x "$RMTICHKSUM" ] then echo "ERROR: cannot find the tool $RMTICHKSUM_TOOL" 1>&2 exit 1 fi "$RMTICHKSUM" -f "${FIRMWARE_DIR}/${FILESYSTEM_IMAGE}" > /dev/null "$RMTICHKSUM" -f "${FIRMWARE_DIR}/${KERNEL_IMAGE}" > /dev/null # Do we have the tool ? if [ ! -x "$FINDSQUASHFS" ] then echo "ERROR: cannot find the very useful tool $FINDSQUASHFS_TOOL" 1>&2 exit 1 fi echo "splitting kernel image" mkdir "$KERNEL_DIR" ( cd "$KERNEL_DIR" && "${TOOLS_DIR}/${FINDSQUASHFS_TOOL}" "../${FIRMWARE_SUBDIR}/${KERNEL_IMAGE}" > /dev/null 2>&1 ) # Hidden squashfs found ? if [ ! -r "$RAW_KERNEL" -o ! -r "$RAW_HIDDEN" ] then echo "ERROR: kernel splitting failed" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Do we have the tool ? if [ ! -x "$UNSQUASHFS" ] then echo "ERROR: cannot find the tool $UNSQUASHFS_TOOL" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ "$DS_HIDDEN_ROOT" == "y" ] then if [ "$DS_CONTIGUOUS_HIDDEN_ROOT" == "y" ] then if [ ! -r "$FILESYSTEM_CONTINUATION" ] then echo "ERROR: cannot find filesystem continuation" 1>&2 exit 1 fi cat "$FILESYSTEM_CONTINUATION" >> "$FILESYSTEM" fi else # Does hidden squashfs exist ? if [ ! -r "$RAW_HIDDEN" ] then echo "ERROR: no hidden squashfs found" 1>&2 exit 1 fi echo "unpacking hidden squashfs" modunsqfs "$HIDDEN_DIR" "$RAW_HIDDEN" fi echo "unpacking filesystem image" modunsqfs "$FILESYSTEM_DIR" "$FILESYSTEM" chmod -R +w "$FILESYSTEM_DIR" if [ ! -r "$FILESYSTEM_DIR/var" ] then echo "ERROR: could not unpack the filesystem image" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # var.tar already untared ? if [ ! -r "$VARTAR" ] then echo "ERROR: no var.tar found" 1>&2 exit 1 fi echo "unpacking var.tar" mkdir "$VARTAR_DIR" "$TAR" -xf "$VARTAR" -C "$VARTAR_DIR" || exit 1 # Unpacking second firmware image if [ -n "$FIRMWARE2" ] then echo "unpacking tk image" rm -rf "${DIR}/.tk" "$0" -u -l -d "${DIR}/.tk" "$FIRMWARE2" > /dev/null fi touch "${DIR}/.unpacked" echo "done." echo "" fi ############################################### # Lets copy and modify the unpacked firmware ## ############################################### MOD_DIR="${DIR}/modified" FIRMWARE_MOD_DIR="${MOD_DIR}/${FIRMWARE_SUBDIR}" FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR="${MOD_DIR}/${FILESYSTEM_SUBDIR}" KERNEL_MOD_DIR="${MOD_DIR}/${KERNEL_SUBDIR}" HIDDEN_MOD_DIR="${KERNEL_MOD_DIR}/${HIDDEN_SUBDIR}" VARTAR_MOD_DIR="${KERNEL_MOD_DIR}/${VARTAR_SUBDIR}" KERNEL_MOD="${FIRMWARE_MOD_DIR}/${KERNEL_IMAGE}" RAW_KERNEL_MOD="${KERNEL_MOD_DIR}/${RAW_KERNEL_FILE}" RAW_HIDDEN_MOD="${KERNEL_MOD_DIR}/${RAW_HIDDEN_FILE}" if [ "$DS_HIDDEN_ROOT" == "y" -a "$DS_CONTIGUOUS_HIDDEN_ROOT" != "y" ] then FILESYSTEM_MOD="${RAW_HIDDEN_MOD}" else FILESYSTEM_MOD="${FIRMWARE_MOD_DIR}/${FILESYSTEM_IMAGE}" fi if [ "$DS_ROOTFS_VARTAR" == "y" ] then VARTAR_MOD="${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/${VARTAR_FILE}" else VARTAR_MOD="${HIDDEN_MOD_DIR}/${VARTAR_FILE}" fi if [ "$DS_TYPE_LANG_A_CH" == "y" ] then HTML_MOD_DIR="${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/www/avme/de/html/de" elif [ "$DS_TYPE_LANG_EN" == "y" ] then HTML_MOD_DIR="${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/www/avme/en/html/en" else HTML_MOD_DIR="${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/www/all/html/de" fi if [ "$DO_MOD" -gt 0 ] then echo -e "\033[1mSTEP 2: MODIFY\033[0m" # Check if firmware is unpacked if [ ! -r "${DIR}/.unpacked" ] then echo "ERROR: firmware image has to be unpacked before modifying" 1>&2 exit 1 fi rm -rf "$MOD_DIR" rm -f "${DIR}/.modified" # Copy the unpacked directory #cp -r "$ORG_DIR" "$MOD_DIR" mkdir -p "$MOD_DIR" "$TAR" -cf - -C "$ORG_DIR" --exclude=dev . | "$TAR" -xf - -C "$MOD_DIR" || exit 1 echo "applying patches" [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] && echo "${L1}applying patches (${DS_TYPE_STRING}-${DS_TYPE_LANG_STRING})" if [ "$DS_TYPE_SPEEDPORT_W701V" == "y" ] then #no webinterface no patches... for i in "${PATCHES_DIR}/${DS_TYPE_STRING}/"*.sh do [ -x "$i" ] && . $i done fi # Apply patches for i in "${PATCHES_DIR}/"*.patch do modpatch "$FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR" "$i" done if [ "$DS_TYPE_STRING" == "custom" ] then if [ "$DS_HAS_PHONE" == "y" ] then modpatch "$FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR" "${PATCHES_DIR}/cond/rc.voip-telefon.patch" modpatch "$FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR" "${PATCHES_DIR}/cond/rc.S-mknod.patch" else modpatch "$FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR" "${PATCHES_DIR}/cond/rc.S-mknod-nophone.patch" fi for i in "${PATCHES_DIR}/cond/${DS_TYPE_LANG_STRING}/"*.patch do modpatch "$FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR" "$i" done if [ "$DS_REPLACE_KERNEL" == "y" ] then modpatch "$FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR" "${PATCHES_DIR}/cond/rc.S-iptables.patch" [ "$DS_HIDDEN_ROOT" == "y" ] || modpatch "$FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR" "${PATCHES_DIR}/cond/rc.S-no-hidden-mount.patch" fi else if [ ! -d "${PATCHES_DIR}/${DS_TYPE_STRING}" ]; then echo "ERROR: missing ${PATCHES_DIR}/${DS_TYPE_STRING}" 1>&2 exit 1 fi for i in "${PATCHES_DIR}/${DS_TYPE_STRING}/"*.patch \ "${PATCHES_DIR}/${DS_TYPE_STRING}/${DS_TYPE_LANG_STRING}/"*.patch do modpatch "$FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR" "$i" done fi [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] && echo "${L1}creating symlink /tmp and /mod" ( cd "$FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR" && ( ln -s var/tmp tmp ; ln -s var/mod mod )) # Set version and options SUBVERSION_FILE="${BASE_DIR}/.version" FIRMWAREVERSION_FILE="${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/etc/.version" FIRMWAREVERSION="$(cat $FIRMWAREVERSION_FILE)" if [ ! -r "$SUBVERSION_FILE" ] then echo "ERROR: cannot determine version" 1>&2 exit 1 fi SUBVERSION="$(cat $SUBVERSION_FILE)" OPTIONS="+busybox" [ "$DS_REMOVE_ASSISTANT" == "y" ] && OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -assistant" [ "$DS_REMOVE_HELP" == "y" ] && OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -help" [ "$DS_REMOVE_CDROM_ISO" == "y" ] && OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -cdrom.iso" [ "$DS_PATCH_ATA" == "y" ] && OPTIONS="$OPTIONS +ata" [ "$DS_PATCH_ENUM" == "y" ] && OPTIONS="$OPTIONS +enum" [ "$DS_PATCH_INTERNATIONAL" == "y" ] && OPTIONS="$OPTIONS +international" [ "$DS_PATCH_PUSH" == "y" ] && OPTIONS="$OPTIONS +push" [ "$DS_PATCH_WDS" == "y" ] && OPTIONS="$OPTIONS +wds" [ "$DS_PATCH_SIGNED" == "y" ] && OPTIONS="$OPTIONS +signed" [ "$DS_PATCH_USBSTORAGE" == "y" ] && OPTIONS="$OPTIONS +usbstorage" if [ "$DS_REPLACE_KERNEL" == "y" ] then KERNEL_SUBVERSION_FILE="${KERNEL_REP_DIR}/.version-${DS_KERNEL_REF}-${DS_AVM_VERSION_STRING}" if [ ! -r "$KERNEL_SUBVERSION_FILE" ] then echo "ERROR: cannot determine kernel version" 1>&2 exit 1 fi KERNEL_SUBVERSION="$(cat $KERNEL_SUBVERSION_FILE)" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS +kernel ($KERNEL_SUBVERSION)" fi if [ -r "$STATIC_PACKAGES_FILE" ] then for pkg in $(cat "$STATIC_PACKAGES_FILE" | sed -e 's/^[\ \t]*//' -e 's/[\ \t]*$//' -e 's/^S[0-9]*//' | grep -v '^#' | grep -v '^$') do OPTIONS="$OPTIONS +$pkg" done fi if [ -r "$STATIC_ADDON_FILE" ] then for pkg in $(cat "$STATIC_ADDON_FILE" | sed -e 's/^[\ \t]*//' -e 's/[\ \t]*$//' | grep -v '^#' | grep -v '^$') do OPTIONS="$OPTIONS +$pkg" done fi [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] && echo "${L1}setting subversion '${SUBVERSION}'" echo "$SUBVERSION" > "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/etc/.subversion" sed -i -e "s/\export\ FIRMWARE_SUBVERSION=.*\$/export\ FIRMWARE_SUBVERSION=\"${SUBVERSION}\"/g" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/etc/version" sed -i -e "s/<subversion>/${SUBVERSION}/g" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/bin/system_status" sed -i -e "s/<options>/${OPTIONS}/g" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/bin/system_status" # execute patch scripts if [ "$DS_TYPE_SPEEDPORT_W701V" == "y" ] then for i in "${PATCHES_DIR}/"*.sh do [ -x "$i" ] && . $i done else #other DS_TYPES for i in "${PATCHES_DIR}/"*.sh "${PATCHES_DIR}/${DS_TYPE_STRING}/"*.sh do [ -x "$i" ] && . $i done fi # remove oems [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] && echo -n "${L1}removing oem:" oem_removed=0 oem_kept=0 oem_list= oems="$(grep 'for i in avm' "${FIRMWARE_MOD_DIR}/var/install" | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/^.*for i in\(.*\); do.*$/\1/')" #W701V and W900V have only tcom if [ -z "$oems" ] then if [ "$DS_TYPE_SPEEDPORT_W701V" == "y" ] || [ "$DS_TYPE_SPEEDPORT_W900V" == "y" ] then oems="tcom" else echo "ERROR: no oems found" 1>&2 exit 1 fi fi [ -d "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/www/all/cgi-bin" ] && \ ln -sf /usr/www/cgi-bin/dsmod_status "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/www/all/cgi-bin/dsmod_status" [ -d "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/www/all/cgi-bin" ] && \ ln -sf /usr/www/cgi-bin/dsmod_wol "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/www/all/cgi-bin/dsmod_wol" for i in $oems do if [ "$(eval "echo \"\$DS_BRANDING_${i}\"")" != "y" ] then [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] && echo -n " $i" rm -rf "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/www/${i}" rm -rf "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/etc/default."*"/${i}" oem_removed=1 else [ -d "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/www/${i}" ] && \ ln -sf /usr/www/cgi-bin/dsmod_status "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/www/${i}/cgi-bin/dsmod_status" [ -d "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/www/${i}" ] && \ ln -sf /usr/www/cgi-bin/dsmod_wol "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/www/${i}/cgi-bin/dsmod_wol" oem_list="$oem_list $i" oem_kept=1 fi done if [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] then [ "$oem_removed" -eq 0 ] && echo -n " none" echo "" fi sed -i -e 's/for i in avm.*; do/for i in '"$oem_list"' ; do/g' "${FIRMWARE_MOD_DIR}/var/install" if [ "$oem_kept" -eq 0 ] then echo "ERROR: at least one oem must be supported" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ "$DS_INSTALL_BASE" == "y" ] then echo "installing mod base" [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] && echo "${L1}copying files" "$TAR" -cf - -C "$ROOT_DIR" --exclude=lib --exclude=usr/lib \ $([ -r "${BASE_DIR}/.exclude" ] && echo "--exclude-from=${BASE_DIR}/.exclude") \ . | "$TAR" -xf - -C "$FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR" || exit 1 "$TAR" -cf - -C "$ROOT_DIR" \ $([ -r "${BASE_DIR}/.exclude" ] && echo "--exclude-from=${BASE_DIR}/.exclude") \ ./usr/lib/cgi-bin | "$TAR" -xf - -C "$FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR" || exit 1 mkdir -p "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/lib" cp "${ROOT_DIR}/usr/lib/lib"*.sh "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/lib/" echo ". /etc/init.d/rc.mod 2>&1 | tee /var/log/mod.log" >> "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/etc/init.d/rc.S" MOD_CRON="${VARTAR_MOD_DIR}/var/spool/cron/crontabs" MOD_ROOT="${VARTAR_MOD_DIR}/var/mod" mkdir -p "$MOD_CRON" mkdir -p "${MOD_ROOT}/pkg" mkdir -p "${MOD_ROOT}/home" mkdir -p "${MOD_ROOT}/lib" mkdir -p "${MOD_ROOT}/bin" "${MOD_ROOT}/sbin" mkdir -p "${MOD_ROOT}/var/cache" mkdir -p "${MOD_ROOT}/usr/bin" "${MOD_ROOT}/usr/sbin" "${MOD_ROOT}/usr/share" \ "${MOD_ROOT}/usr/lib" "${MOD_ROOT}/usr/lib/cgi-bin" mkdir -p "${MOD_ROOT}/etc/conf" "${MOD_ROOT}/etc/init.d" "${MOD_ROOT}/etc/reg" echo "users:x:1:" >> "${VARTAR_MOD_DIR}/var/tmp/group" touch "${VARTAR_MOD_DIR}/var/tmp/ethers" touch "${VARTAR_MOD_DIR}/var/tmp/exports" touch "${VARTAR_MOD_DIR}/var/tmp/onlinechanged" chmod +x "${VARTAR_MOD_DIR}/var/tmp/onlinechanged" ln -s ../var/tmp/ethers "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/etc/ethers" ln -s ../var/tmp/exports "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/etc/exports" ln -s ../var/tmp/onlinechanged "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/bin/onlinechanged" [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] && echo "${L1}installing libs" for i in $(cd "${ROOT_DIR}" && find lib usr/lib \ -type d -name .svn -prune -false , \ -type f -name "*.so*") do bn="$(basename "$i")" lib="${bn%\.so*}" lib="$(echo "$lib" | sed -e 's/-[0-9][\.0-9a-z]*$//')" if [ "$(eval "echo \"\$DS_LIB_$(echo "$lib" | tr '\-+' '_x')\"")" == "y" ] then [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 2 ] && echo "${L2}${bn}" dn="$(dirname "$i")" [ -d "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/${dn}" ] || mkdir -p "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/${dn}" cp -a "${ROOT_DIR}/${dn}/${lib}"[-\|\.]*so* "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/${dn}/" chmod +x "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/${i}" fi done [ "$DS_BASE_LIB_libuClibc" == "y" ] && cp -a "${ROOT_DIR}/lib/libc.so.0" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/lib/" if [ "$DS_FAVICON_STRING" != "none" ] then [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] && echo "${L1}adding favicons (${DS_FAVICON_STRING})" cp "${FAVICON_DIR}/${DS_FAVICON_STRING}/dsmod.ico" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/share/favicon.ico" ln -s "../share/favicon.ico" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/nww/favicon.ico" ln -s "../share/favicon.ico" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/mww/favicon.ico" for i in $(ls "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/www/") do case "$i" in cgi-bin|html) ;; *) if [ -d "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/www/$i" -a -d "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/www/$i/html" ] then cp "${FAVICON_DIR}/${DS_FAVICON_STRING}/box.ico" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/www/$i/html/favicon.ico" ln -s "./html/favicon.ico" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/usr/www/$i/favicon.ico" fi ;; esac done fi modlang "${BASE_DIR}/.language" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}" else echo "ERROR: installation of base system is mandatory" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ "$DS_REPLACE_BUSYBOX" == "y" ] then echo "replacing busybox" [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] && echo "${L1}replacing busybox-${DS_TARGET_REF}" if [ ! -r "${BASE_DIR}/busybox/busybox-${DS_TARGET_REF}" ] then echo "ERROR: cannot find busybox replacement" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Replace busybox cp -f "${BASE_DIR}/busybox/busybox-${DS_TARGET_REF}" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/bin/busybox" [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] && echo "${L1}installing symlinks" if [ ! -r "${BASE_DIR}/busybox/busybox-${DS_TARGET_REF}.links" ] then echo "ERROR: cannot find busybox links" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Install busybox links cat "${BASE_DIR}/busybox/busybox-${DS_TARGET_REF}.links" | while read link do LINK_DIR="$(dirname "$link")" LINK_NAME="$(basename "$link")" case "$LINK_DIR" in /) BUSYBOX_PATH="bin/busybox" ;; /bin) BUSYBOX_PATH="busybox" ;; /sbin) BUSYBOX_PATH="../bin/busybox" ;; /usr/bin|/usr/sbin) BUSYBOX_PATH="../../bin/busybox" ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown installation directory: $link" 1>&2 exit 1 ;; esac ( cd "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}${LINK_DIR}" && ( ln -sf "$BUSYBOX_PATH" "$LINK_NAME" || ( echo "ERROR: could not create link for $link" 1>&2; exit 1 ) ) ) || exit 1 done || exit 1 if [ ! -x "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/bin/busybox" ] then echo "ERROR: busybox is not executable" 1>&2 echo "Are you trying to compile on a FAT partition?" 1>&2 exit 1 fi else echo "ERROR: installation of busybox replacement is mandatory" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ "$DS_REPLACE_KERNEL" == "y" ] then echo "replacing kernel" if [ ! -r "${KERNEL_REP_DIR}/kernel-${DS_KERNEL_REF}-${DS_AVM_VERSION_STRING}.bin" ] then echo "ERROR: can't find kernel for ref ${DS_KERNEL_REF}-${DS_AVM_VERSION_STRING}" 1>&2 exit 1 fi [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] && echo "${L1}replacing kernel-${DS_KERNEL_REF}-${DS_AVM_VERSION_STRING} (${KERNEL_SUBVERSION})" cp "${KERNEL_REP_DIR}/kernel-${DS_KERNEL_REF}-${DS_AVM_VERSION_STRING}.bin" "$RAW_KERNEL_MOD" fi [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] && echo "${L0}installing modules" for i in $(cd "${KERNEL_REP_DIR}/modules-${DS_KERNEL_REF}-${DS_AVM_VERSION_STRING}" && find . -type d -name .svn -prune -false , \ -type f \( -name modules.dep -o -name "*.ko" \)) do bn="$(basename "$i")" mod="${bn%\.ko}" if [ "$(eval "echo \"\$DS_MODULE_$(echo "$mod" | tr '\-+' '_x')\"")" == "y" ] then [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 2 ] && echo "${L2}${bn}" dn="$(dirname "$i")" [ -d "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/${dn}" ] || mkdir -p "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/${dn}" cp "${KERNEL_REP_DIR}/modules-${DS_KERNEL_REF}-${DS_AVM_VERSION_STRING}/${i}" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/${dn}/" chmod +x "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/${i}" fi done [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] && echo "${L1}generating modules.dep" ${SOURCE_SUBDIR}/depmod.pl -b ${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/lib/modules/${DS_KERNEL_LAYOUT} \ -F ${KERNEL_REP_DIR}/System.map [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] && echo "${L1}copying files" "$TAR" -cf - -C "${KERNEL_REP_DIR}/root" --exclude=lib --exclude=usr/lib \ $([ -r "${KERNEL_REP_DIR}/.exclude" ] && echo "--exclude-from=${KERNEL_REP_DIR}/.exclude") \ . | "$TAR" -xf - -C "$FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR" || exit 1 [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] && echo "${L1}installing libs" for i in $(cd "${KERNEL_REP_DIR}/root" && find lib usr/lib -type d -name .svn -prune -false , \ -type f -name "*.so*") do bn="$(basename "$i")" lib="${bn%\.so*}" lib="$(echo "$lib" | sed -e 's/-[\.0-9]*$//')" if [ "$(eval "echo \"\$DS_LIB_$(echo "$lib" | tr '\-+' '_x')\"")" == "y" ] then [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 2 ] && echo "${L2}${bn}" dn="$(dirname "$i")" [ -d "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/${dn}" ] || mkdir -p "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/${dn}" cp -a "${KERNEL_REP_DIR}/root/${dn}/${lib}"[-\|\.]*so* "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/${dn}/" chmod +x "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/${i}" fi done echo "installing packages" if [ -r "$STATIC_PACKAGES_FILE" ] then for pkg in $(sort "$STATIC_PACKAGES_FILE" | sed -e 's/^[\ \t]*//' -e 's/[\ \t]*$//' -e 's/^S[0-9]*//' | grep -v '^#' | grep -v '^$') do [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] && echo "${L1}${pkg}" pkg_name="$(echo "$pkg" | sed -e 's/-BETA$//' -e 's/-[0-9][^-]*$//' -e 's/-cgi$//')" if [ -e "${PACKAGES_DIR}/${pkg}/etc/init.d/rc.${pkg_name}" ] then echo "NOTICE: package '$pkg' is in old-style format (no language support)." 1>&2 "$TAR" -cf - -C "${PACKAGES_DIR}/${pkg}" . | "$TAR" -xf - -C "$FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR" || exit 1 else "$TAR" -cf - -C "${PACKAGES_DIR}/${pkg}/root" \ $([ -r "${PACKAGES_DIR}/${pkg}/.exclude" ] && echo "--exclude-from=${PACKAGES_DIR}/${pkg}/.exclude") \ . | "$TAR" -xf - -C "$FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR" || exit 1 [ -r "${PACKAGES_DIR}/${pkg}/.language" ] && \ modlang "${PACKAGES_DIR}/${pkg}/.language" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}" fi echo "$pkg_name" >> "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/etc/static.pkg" done fi if [ -r "$STATIC_ADDON_FILE" ] then for pkg in $(cat "$STATIC_ADDON_FILE" | sed -e 's/^[\ \t]*//' -e 's/[\ \t]*$//' | grep -v '^#' | grep -v '^$') do [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] && echo "${L1}${pkg} (addon)" pkg_name="$(echo "$pkg" | sed -e 's/-[0-9.]*$//' -e 's/-cgi$//')" if [ -e "${ADDON_DIR}/${pkg}/etc/init.d/rc.${pkg_name}" ] then echo "NOTICE: addon '$pkg' is in old-style format (no language support)." 1>&2 "$TAR" -cf - -C "${ADDON_DIR}/${pkg}" . | "$TAR" -xf - -C "$FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR" || exit 1 else "$TAR" -cf - -C "${ADDON_DIR}/${pkg}/root" \ $([ -r "${ADDON_DIR}/${pkg}/.exclude" ] && echo "--exclude-from=${ADDON_DIR}/${pkg}/.exclude") \ . | "$TAR" -xf - -C "$FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR" || exit 1 [ -r "${ADDON_DIR}/${pkg}/.language" ] && \ modlang "${ADDON_DIR}/${pkg}/.language" "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}" fi echo "$pkg_name" >> "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/etc/static.pkg" done fi if [ -x "${BASE_DIR}/fwmod_custom" ] then echo "invoking custom script" bash -n "${BASE_DIR}/fwmod_custom" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "ERROR: syntax error in custom script" 1>&2 exit 1 fi ( cd "$MOD_DIR" && ../../fwmod_custom all ) || exit 1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "ERROR: custom script returned error" 1>&2 exit 1 fi fi touch "${DIR}/.modified" echo "done." echo "" fi ################################ ## Pack the modified firmware ## ################################ if [ "$DO_PACK" -gt 0 ] then echo -e "\033[1mSTEP 3: PACK\033[0m" if [ ! "$DO_MOD" -gt 0 ]; then echo "WARNING: Modifications (STEP 2) and this step should never" 1>&2 echo " ever be run with different configurations!" 1>&2 echo " This can result in invalid images!!!" 1>&2 fi # Check if firmware is unpacked if [ ! -r "${DIR}/.unpacked" ] then echo "ERROR: firmware image has to be unpacked before packing" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Check if firmware is modified by the script if [ ! -r "${DIR}/.modified" ] then echo "WARNING: firmware does not seem to be modified by the script" 1>&2 if [ ! -d "$MOD_DIR" ] then # Copy the unpacked directory cp -r "$ORG_DIR" "$MOD_DIR" fi fi if [ ! -s "$RAW_HIDDEN" ] then echo "ERROR: no hidden squashfs found" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Delete all files that we are going to re-create now rm -f "$VARTAR_MOD" rm -f "$RAW_HIDDEN_MOD" rm -f "$KERNEL_MOD" rm -f "$FILESYSTEM_MOD" rm -f "${DIR}/firmware_*.image" if [ "$DS_SQUASHFS_BLOCKSIZE_16384" == "y" ] then let KERNEL_BLOCKSIZE="16384" let FILESYSTEM_BLOCKSIZE="16384" elif [ "$DS_SQUASHFS_BLOCKSIZE_65536" == "y" ] then let KERNEL_BLOCKSIZE="65536" let FILESYSTEM_BLOCKSIZE="65536" else let KERNEL_BLOCKSIZE="$(od -i -N 1 -j 34 "$RAW_HIDDEN" | sed -n -e '1s#.* ##' -e 1p)" let KERNEL_BLOCKSIZE="1<<KERNEL_BLOCKSIZE" let FILESYSTEM_BLOCKSIZE="$(od -i -N 1 -j 34 "$FILESYSTEM" | sed -n -e '1s#.* ##' -e 1p)" let FILESYSTEM_BLOCKSIZE="1<<FILESYSTEM_BLOCKSIZE" fi if [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] then echo "squashfs blocksize" echo "${L1}hidden squashfs: $KERNEL_BLOCKSIZE" echo "${L1}root filesystem: $FILESYSTEM_BLOCKSIZE" fi # Pack var.tar (use old tar for compatibility) echo "packing var.tar" "$TAR" -cf - --owner=0 --group=0 --mode=0755 --format=oldgnu -C "$VARTAR_MOD_DIR" . > "$VARTAR_MOD" || exit 1 if [ ! -s "$VARTAR_MOD" ] then echo "ERROR: packing of var.tar failed" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Do we have the tool ? if [ ! -x "$MKSQUASHFS" ] then echo "ERROR: cannot find $MKSQUASHFS_TOOL" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ "$DS_REPLACE_KERNEL" == "y" -a "$DS_HIDDEN_ROOT" != "y" ] then echo "copying hidden files" "$TAR" -cf - -C "$HIDDEN_MOD_DIR" . | \ "$TAR" -xf - -C "${FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR}/lib/modules/2.4.17_mvl21-malta-mips_fp_le/kernel/hidden" || exit 1 fi echo "creating filesystem image" #generating fakeroot-file echo "#!/bin/sh" > _fakeroot echo "chown -R root:root $FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR" >> _fakeroot echo "( cd $FILESYSTEM_MOD_DIR && $MAKEDEVS -d $MAKEDEVS_FILE ./ > /dev/null" \ "&& ${TOOLS_DIR}/${MKSQUASHFS_TOOL} * ${ABS_BASE_DIR}/${FILESYSTEM_MOD} -le -noappend -all-root " \ "-b $FILESYSTEM_BLOCKSIZE -info > ../filesystemsquashfs.log 2>&1 )" >> _fakeroot chmod a+x _fakeroot "$FAKEROOT" -- ./_fakeroot rm -f _fakeroot if [ ! -s "$FILESYSTEM_MOD" ] then echo "ERROR: creation of filesystem failed" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ "$DS_REPLACE_KERNEL" == "y" ] && \ [ "$DS_HIDDEN_ROOT" != "y" -o "$DS_CONTIGUOUS_HIDDEN_ROOT" == "y" ] then # Check size of raw kernel image let KERNEL_LIMIT="$DS_KERNEL_MTD_SIZE*65536" let KERNEL_SIZE="$(cat "$RAW_KERNEL_MOD" | wc -c)" [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] && echo "${L1}kernel raw: $KERNEL_SIZE (max: $KERNEL_LIMIT)" if [ "$KERNEL_SIZE" -eq 0 ] then echo "ERROR: kernel is empty" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ "$KERNEL_SIZE" -gt "$KERNEL_LIMIT" ] then let DIFF="KERNEL_SIZE-KERNEL_LIMIT" echo "ERROR: kernel is $DIFF bytes too big" 1>&2 exit 1 fi dd if="$RAW_KERNEL_MOD" of="${MOD_DIR}/.img.tmp" bs=256 conv=sync 2> /dev/null cat "$FILESYSTEM_MOD" >> "${MOD_DIR}/.img.tmp" dd if="${MOD_DIR}/.img.tmp" of="$KERNEL_MOD" bs=64k count="$DS_KERNEL_MTD_SIZE" conv=sync 2> /dev/null dd if="${MOD_DIR}/.img.tmp" of="$FILESYSTEM_MOD" bs=64k skip="$DS_KERNEL_MTD_SIZE" conv=sync 2> /dev/null rm -f "${MOD_DIR}/.img.tmp" else if [ "$DS_HIDDEN_ROOT" != "y" ] then echo "creating hidden squashfs" ( cd "$HIDDEN_MOD_DIR" && "${TOOLS_DIR}/${MKSQUASHFS_TOOL}" * "${ABS_BASE_DIR}/${RAW_HIDDEN_MOD}" -le -noappend -all-root -b "$KERNEL_BLOCKSIZE" -info > ../../kernelsquashfs.log 2>&1 ) if [ ! -s "$RAW_HIDDEN_MOD" ] then echo "ERROR: creation of hidden squashfs failed" 1>&2 exit 1 fi fi echo "merging kernel image" dd if="$RAW_KERNEL_MOD" of="$KERNEL_MOD" bs=256 conv=sync 2> /dev/null cat "$RAW_HIDDEN_MOD" >> "$KERNEL_MOD" if [ ! -s "$KERNEL_MOD" ] then echo "ERROR: kernel merging failed" 1>&2 exit 1 fi fi # Check size of kernel image let KERNEL_LIMIT="$DS_KERNEL_MTD_SIZE*65536" let KERNEL_SIZE="$(cat "$KERNEL_MOD" | wc -c)" [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] && echo "${L1}kernel image size: $KERNEL_SIZE (max: $KERNEL_LIMIT)" if [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ]; then if [ "$DS_TYPE_FON_WLAN_7150" = "y" ]; then # Calculate aproximately free space in seconds for the answering machine FREE_BYTE_JFFS2=$((($KERNEL_LIMIT - $KERNEL_SIZE - 233472))) FREE_MINUTES=$((($FREE_BYTE_JFFS2 / 2017 / 60))) echo "${L1}Aproximately free time for the answering machine: $((($FREE_BYTE_JFFS2 / 2017)))s (${FREE_MINUTES}min $((($FREE_BYTE_JFFS2 / 2017 - $FREE_MINUTES * 60)))s)" fi fi if [ "$KERNEL_SIZE" -eq 0 ] then echo "ERROR: kernel image is empty" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ "$KERNEL_SIZE" -gt "$KERNEL_LIMIT" ] then let DIFF="KERNEL_SIZE-KERNEL_LIMIT" echo "ERROR: kernel image is $DIFF bytes too big" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Do we have the tool ? if [ ! -x "$TICHKSUM" ] then echo "ERROR: cannot find wonderful tool $TICHKSUM_TOOL" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Write checksum "$TICHKSUM" "$KERNEL_MOD" > "${MOD_DIR}/kernelchksum.log" if [ "$DS_HIDDEN_ROOT" != "y" -o "$DS_CONTIGUOUS_HIDDEN_ROOT" == "y" ] then # Check size of filesystem image let FILESYSTEM_LIMIT="$DS_FILESYSTEM_MTD_SIZE*65536" let FILESYSTEM_SIZE="$(cat "$FILESYSTEM_MOD" | wc -c)" [ "$DS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL" -ge 1 ] && echo "${L1}filesystem image size: $FILESYSTEM_SIZE (max: $FILESYSTEM_LIMIT)" if [ "$FILESYSTEM_SIZE" -eq 0 ] then echo "ERROR: filesystem image is empty" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ "$FILESYSTEM_SIZE" -gt "$FILESYSTEM_LIMIT" ] then let DIFF="FILESYSTEM_SIZE-FILESYSTEM_LIMIT" echo "ERROR: filesystem image is $DIFF bytes too big" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Write checksum "$TICHKSUM" "$FILESYSTEM_MOD" > "${MOD_DIR}/filesystemchksum.log" fi # Consistency check if [ -s "${FIRMWARE_DIR}/${FILESYSTEM_IMAGE}" -a ! -s "${FIRMWARE_MOD_DIR}/${FILESYSTEM_IMAGE}" ] || \ [ ! -s "${FIRMWARE_DIR}/${FILESYSTEM_IMAGE}" -a -s "${FIRMWARE_MOD_DIR}/${FILESYSTEM_IMAGE}" ]; then echo "ERROR: inconsistency comparing size of old and new filesystem.image" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ -s "${FIRMWARE_DIR}/${KERNEL_IMAGE}" -a ! -s "${FIRMWARE_MOD_DIR}/${KERNEL_IMAGE}" ] || \ [ ! -s "${FIRMWARE_DIR}/${KERNEL_IMAGE}" -a -s "${FIRMWARE_MOD_DIR}/${KERNEL_IMAGE}" ]; then echo "ERROR: inconsistency comparing size of old and new kernel.image" 1>&2 exit 1 fi modimage="${DS_TYPE_STRING}_${FIRMWAREVERSION}-${SUBVERSION}.${DS_TYPE_LANG_STRING}_`date +%Y%m%d`.image" # Pack firmare image (use old tar for compatibility) echo "packing ${modimage}" "$TAR" -cf - --owner=0 --group=0 --mode=0755 --format=oldgnu -C "$FIRMWARE_MOD_DIR" . > "${DIR}/${modimage}" || exit 1 if [ ! -s "${DIR}/${modimage}" ] then rm -f "${DIR}/${modimage}" echo "ERROR: packing of firmware image failed" 1>&2 exit 1 fi echo "done." echo "" echo -e "\033[1mFINISHED\033[0m" fi exit 0