
[ -z "$GW6_USERID" ] && GW6_SERVER='anon.freenet6.net'
[ -n "$GW6_BROKER" ] && GW6_SERVER="$GW6_BROKER"

[ -z "$GW6_USERID" ] && GW6_HOST_TYPE='host'

[ -z "$GW6_USERID" ] && GW6_AUTH_METHOD='anonymous'

# default prefix length if host type is router
# default interface for radvd if host type is router

[ "$GW6_LOGGING" = "yes" ] && GW6_LOG_FILE=3

##########################      READ ME!      ################################
# Welcome to the Gateway6 Client configuration file.
# In order to use the client, you need to modify the 'userid', 'passwd' and
# 'server' parameters below depending on which of these situations applies:
# 1. If you created a Freenet6 account, enter your userid and password below.
#    Change the server name to "broker.freenet6.net" and auth_method to 'any'.
# 2. If you would like to use Freenet6 without creating an account,
#    do not make any modifications and close this file.
# 3. If this software was provided by your ISP, enter the userid, password and
#    server name provided by your ISP below.

########################## BASIC CONFIGURATION ################################

# User Identification and Password:
#   Specify your user name and password as provided by your ISP or Freenet6.
#   If you plan to connect anonymously, leave these values empty.
#   NOTE: Change auth_method option if you are using a username/password.
#   userid=<your_userid>
#   passwd=<your_password>

# Gateway6 Server:
#   Specify a Gateway6 server name or IP address (provided by your ISP or
#   Freenet6). An optional port number can be added; the default port number
#   is 3653.
#   Examples:
#     server=hostname # FQDN
#     server=A.B.C.D  # IPv4 address
#     server=[X:X::X:X] # IPv6 address
#     server=hostname:port_number
#     server=A.B.C.D:port_number
#     server=[X:X::X:X]:port_number
#   Freenet6 account holders should enter broker.freenet6.net, otherwise use
#   anon.freenet6.net. Your ISP may provide you with a different server name.

# Authentication Method:
#  auth_method=<{anonymous}|{any|passdss-3des-1|digest-md5|plain}>
#   anonymous:      Sends no username or password
#   any:            The most secure method will be used.
#   passdss-3des-1: The password is sent encrypted.
#   digest-md5:     The password is sent encrypted.
#   plain:          Both username and password are sent as plain text.
# Recommended values:
#   - any:          If you are authenticating a username / password.
#   - anonymous:    If you are connecting anonymously.

########################## ROUTING CONFIGURATION ##############################
# Use these parameters when you wish the client to act as a router and provide
# IPv6 connectivity to IPv6-capable devices on your network.

# Local Host Type:
#   Change this value to 'router' to enable IPv6 advertisements.
#   host_type=<host|router>

# Prefix Length:
#   Length of the requested prefix. Valid values range between 0 and 64 when
#   using V6*V4 tunnel modes, and between 0 and 32 when using V4V6 tunnel mode.
#   prefixlen=<integer>

# Advertisement Interface Prefix:
#   Name of the interface that will be configured to send router advertisements.
#   This is an interface index on Windows (ex: 4) and a name on Linux
#   and BSD (ex: eth1 or fxp1).
#   if_prefix=<interface name>

# DNS Server:
#   A DNS server list to which the reverse prefix will be delegated. Servers
#   are separated by the colon(:) delimiter.
#   Example: dns_server=ns1.domain:ns2.domain:ns3.domain

######################### ADVANCED CONFIGURATION ##############################

# Gateway6 Client Installation Directory:
#   Directory where the Gateway6 Client will be installed. This value has been
#   set during installation.

# Auto-Retry Connect and Delay:
#   The time lapse, in seconds, between each reconnection in the case of a
#   timeout.
#   auto_retry_connect=<yes|no>
#   retry_delay=<integer>
#   Recommended values: "yes" and 30

# Keepalive Feature and Message Interval:
#   Indicates if and how often the client will send data to keep the tunnel
#   active.
#   keepalive=<yes|no>
#   keepalive_interval=<integer>
#   Recommended values: "yes" and 30

# Tunnel Encapsulation Mode:
#   v6v4:    IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel.
#   v6udpv4: IPv6-in-UDP-in-IPv4 tunnel (for clients behind a NAT).
#   v6anyv4: Lets the broker choose the best mode for IPv6 tunnel.
#   v4v6:    IPv4-in-IPv6 tunnel.
#   Recommended value: v6anyv4

# Tunnel Interface Name:
#   The interface name assigned to the tunnel. This value is O/S dependent.
#   if_tunnel_v6v4 is the tunnel interface name for v6v4 encapsulation mode
#   if_tunnel_v6udpv4 is the tunnel interface name for v6udpv4 encapsulate mode
#   if_tunnel_v4v6 is the tunnel interface name for v4v6 encapsulation mode
#   Default values are set during installation.

# Local IP Address of the Client:
#   Allows you to set a specific address as the local tunnel endpoint.
#   client_v4=<auto|A.B.C.D (valid ipv4 address)>
#   client_v6=<auto|X:X::X:X (valid ipv6 address)>
#     auto: The Gateway6 Client will find the local IP address endpoint.
#   Recommended value: auto

# Script Name:
#   File name of the script to run to install the tunnel interface. The
#   scripts are located in the template directory under the client
#   installation directory.
#   template=<checktunnel|freebsd|netbsd|openbsd|linux|windows|darwin|cisco|solaris>
#   Default value is set during installation.

# Proxy client:
#   Indicates that this client will request a tunnel for another endpoint,
#   such as a Cisco router.
#   proxy_client=<yes|no>
#   NOTE: NAT traversal is not possible in proxy mode.

############################ BROKER REDIRECTION ###############################

# Broker List File Name:
#   The 'broker_list' directive specifies the filename where the broker
#   list received during broker redirection will be saved.
#   broker_list=<file_name>

# Last Server Used File Name:
#   The 'last_server' directive specifies the filename where the address of
#   the last broker to which a connection was successfully established will
#   be saved.
#   last_server=<file_name>

# Always Use Last Known Working Server:
#   The value of the 'always_use_same_server' directive determines whether the
#   client should always try to connect to the broker found in the
#   'last_server' directive filename.
#   always_use_same_server=<yes|no>

#################################### LOGGING ##################################

# Log Verbosity Configuration:
#   The format is 'log_<destination>=level', where possible values for
#   'destination' are:
#   - console  (logging to the console [AKA stdout])
#   - stderr   (logging to standard error)
#   - file     (logging to a file)
#   - syslog   (logging to syslog [Unix only])
#   and 'level' is a digit between 0 and 3. A 'level' value of 0 disables
#   logging to the destination, while values 1 to 3 request increasing levels
#   of log verbosity and detail. If 'level' is not specified, a value of 1 is
#   assumed.
#   Example:
#     log_file=3   (Maximal logging to a file)
#     log_stderr=0 (Logging to standard error disabled)
#     log_console= (Minimal logging to the console)
#   - Default configuration on Windows platforms:
#     log_console=0
#     log_stderr=0
#     log_file=1
#   - Default configuration on Unix platforms:
#     log_console=0
#     log_stderr=1
#     log_file=0
#     log_syslog=0

# Log File Name:
#   When logging to file is requested using the 'log_file' directive, the name
#   and path of the file to use may be specified using this directive.
#   log_filename=<file_name>

# Log File Rotation:
#   When logging to file is requested using the 'log_file' directive, log file
#   rotation may be enabled. When enabled, the contents of the log file will
#   be moved to a backup file just before it reaches the maximum log file size
#   specified via this directive.
#   The name of the backup file is the name of the original log file with
#   '.<timestamp>' inserted before the file extension. If the file does not
#   have an extension, '.<timestamp>' is appended to the name of the original
#   log file. The timestamp specifies when the rotation occurred.
#   After the contents of the log file have been moved to the backup file, the
#   original file is cleared, and logging resumes at the beginning of the file.
#   log_rotation=<yes|no>

# Log File Rotation Size:
#   The 'log_rotation_size' directive specifies the maximum size a log file may
#   reach before rotation occurs, if enabled. The value is expressed in
#   kilobytes.
#   log_rotation_size=<16|32|128|1024>

# Deletion of rotated log files:
#   The 'log_rotation_delete' directive specifies that no log backup will be
#   kept. When rotation occurs, the file is immediately wiped out and a new
#   log file is started.
#   log_rotation_delete=<yes|no>

# Syslog Logging Facility [Unix Only]:
#   When logging to syslog is requested using the 'log_syslog' directive, the
#   facility to use may be specified using this directive.
#   syslog_facility=<USER|LOCAL[0-7]>

# end of gw6c.conf